
The 124-chapter book you are going to read is the book that the Lord Jesus-Christ has given to Prophet Kacou Philippe for our time, as to Noah, Moses and to each of the prophets in their time. It is made of Prophet Kacou Philippe’s own words as he pronounced them. Even if its content is hard to take or against your will, read it calmly because it is a Gospel which comes and which will be preached to this generation as the Bible says. Our objective is not to scandalize anyone but to share with you what God has revealed to this generation.

      This book has been sent to religious men all over the globe as well as to churches, researchers, media and websites all over the world. It is under study in several theological institutes and schools. Circulars, books and Internet messages written against this book and against Prophet Kacou Philippe remained powerless because its content is a prophetic Message given form Heaven by God Himself through an Angel on April 24, 1993.

      If you come across things which are hard or difficult to understand, consider them as a bone in the meat, put them aside first and keep eating the food. Go calmly up to the end before any reaction or question for some of your concerns may already find their answers in the next pages. And you could be wrong by rejecting it right away.

    In addition, we ask you to send this book to all your acquaintances over world. A part of this book was published on March 29, 2006, the day when the total eclipse appeared on the four continents.

      In any city or nation where this Message gets, we beg him or those who have accepted it to call us or write us.

      People from other languages are making requests for it. We will be therefore pleased if, by you, we could obtain its translation or publication in other languages to allow other people to read it. Also, like Anna or the Samaritan woman, testify of what God is doing in your time and make that everyone around you knows it.

  We believe that this Message is for the entire earth and we believe that God will arouse echoes in every nation. Thus shall it be. May God bless you!