1 I want to make a comparison between Darby and Louis Segond. Since 2002, when I began to preach the revelation on the Bible, some cunning pastors and prophets, being in contact with the Message, have started to recommend Darby in their churches instead of accepting the Message. Yet, they can change bibles and doctrines, but they cannot change the most important thing which is the spirit of divination which they call holy spirit and which will send them to hell. You see?
2 And since 2003, hundreds of pages have been sent on the Internet around the world. And we see more and more pastors, prophets and evangelists with Darby Bibles. They have put down their big fetish books Louis Segond, Scofield, Thompson and King James...
3 Also, I believe that, some demons of divination that we cast out here can go and reveal it to them in order to blur the source. Some also see that what I preach is the truth but by accepting, what will it cost them? ... Remember Matthew 8:28 to 34, Jesus had delivered two fathers of families who were returning to their homes. It should have been a celebration in the honour of the Lord Jesus Christ, but when people saw that it had cost them a herd of pigs, they did not want it, they chased the Lord Jesus away...
4 Well. There are many truths but only one is the Truth, there are many gods but only one is the true God. There are many churches but only one is the true Church. There are many holy spirits but only one is the true Holy Spirit. There are many versions of the Bible but only one is the true Bible. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
5 Know that on this point of the Message, a great contradiction is thrown on earth. They will tell me: "What about those who do not have the Darby Bible in their language"? You see? Do not be afraid! I do not want to take the Bible away from you. For 1500 years, your fathers had no Bible but they lived Christianity better than you.
6 And those who publish the Darby version, instead of seeking to translate it into other languages, they seek how to revise it. All those who corrected versions in history were powerful preachers, filled with the Spirit. Not a group of scholars but only one person. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
7 Know that ancient Hebrew is no longer spoken and it is the most difficult language ever, with no vowel but I think that they can translate the Darby version into other languages like, one day also, this Message will be translated into other languages that I do not understand. You see? That's what they should do. Anyway, I do not believe in any revision. The evolution of languages requires explanatory notes at the foot of page, and not a revision. Languages will always evolve.
8 Thus, according to the grace that has been granted to me, I consider now that, from this ministry of Matthew 25:6 and of Revelation 12:14, owning a Bible version that the Spirit condemns is an act of rebellion. And also having the Darby version that I have recommended and staying away from what God is doing here does not change anything. There is no Salvation except in what God is doing here. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
9 Well. Let’s come to the comparison. In Isaiah 35:8 to 9, it is the way that is holy and not the road. In Judges 17:1 to 5, it is gods, that is to say, idols, and not the Almighty God. Read up to Judges 18:23 to 24 where Louis Segond acknowledges that it is "gods" that is to say idols. In Exodus 32:4, Louis Segond acknowledges that a golden calf is a god and in 1 Kings 12:28, Louis Segond writes "God" with “G” in capital letter while it is about golden calves.
10 In Ezekiel 2:1; Ezekiel 3:1 and in Ezekiel 4:1... It is "son of man", that is to say Prophet not "The Son of man" which refers to Jesus Christ, the Supreme Prophet as in Matthew 16:13. Also, in Ezekiel 3:12 and 14 as in Revelation 14:13, it is the Spirit of God and therefore capital "S" like in Ezekiel 8:3.
11 I continue. In Genesis 1:2; in 1 Samuel 16:14; in Isaiah 61:1 ... The letter "S" must be in capital letter when it is about the Almighty God. Yet, the real reason why Louis Segond writes "the [s]pirit" of God with small "s" is that, for him, there is a good spirit of God and an evil spirit of God. I do not believe in that doctrine. And that is revealed in 1 Samuel 18:10. Louis Segond says: "... the evil spirit of God came upon Saul." while Darby says: "... an evil spirit from Jehovah was upon Saul.". Louis Segond says: “the evil spirit of God…” whereas Darby says: “an evil spirit from God…”. It is not the same thing. It is the same with 1 Samuel 19:9.
12 In Matthew 24:24, "C" of false christs must be in small letter because it is not the true Holy Spirit but spirits of divination that would act as holy spirit. So, it must be written "false christs" with small “c” and not "false Christs” with capital “C”. Now in Revelation 1:4, it is "Spirits" with capital “S” because it is the Holy Spirit in seven dispensations but Louis Segond writes it with small “s”.
13 There is withdrawal of "firstborn son" in Matthew 1: 25 to say that Mary did not have other children after the Lord Jesus Christ. It is on purpose that they did all these things for doctrinal reasons.
14 The small letters in christ and in the lord Jesus especially in the New Testament ... is in line with the Greek language which does not allow capital letters except when the word takes the sense of a proper noun. In Matthew 4:10 ... do homage is the literal translation of the Greek word proskïneo.
15 In Revelation 1:20, it is seven lamps, that is to say, a candlestick and not seven candlesticks which give forty-nine lamps; the same for Revelation 11:4. In John 17:11: it is "I come to Thee" and not "I go to Thee" for the Father is in Him; likewise in verse 12, it is "Thy name which Thou hast given Me".
16 In Daniel 5:25, Louis Segond does not mention the writing that was written on the wall, that is to say: "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin!". Keep in mind that: Upharsin is the plural of Pérès.
17 In Daniel 9:25 to 27, there is confusion in the translation of "the 70 weeks of Daniel" like Micah 1:10 to 15 that Louis Segond had trouble translating. Darby says in Micah 1:10: " ... at Beth-le-aphrah roll thyself in the dust." Louis Segond says: "...I roll in the dust at Beth-Leaphra." You see? It is different! One says: “… roll thyself in the dust” and this one says: “…I roll myself in the dust…”.
18 In Matthew 24: 28, it is "eagles" and not "vultures". It's also worth specifying that the Louis Segond versions do not have the same content ... The translator not being able to understand all the languages of the earth, a man with the Spirit of God should translate for example Darby into Portuguese and Spanish, ... for the most important [thing] is that it should be done in the language of the messenger and by the grace of God, it is done. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
19 In Revelation 1:10, it is “day”, that is to say Sunday and not “day” which refers to the prophetic day which is a thousand years. And yet, the Millennium alone is one thousand years.
20 In Genesis 4:15, it is the killer of Cain who will be punished seven times and not Cain who will be avenged seven times. Darby writes this: "And Jehovah said to him, Therefore, whoever slayeth Cain, he shall be punished sevenfold ..."Louis Segond says: "Jehovah said to him: If someone killed Cain, Cain would be avenged seven times ...". It is not the same thing. And in Genesis 4:23 to 24, the theologian Lemech interpreted it in his favour in order to shed blood like his great-grandfather Cain. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
21 Well. Matthew 11: 23: "Hades" is not necessarily "the dwelling place of the dead" because there is on the one hand the Hades which is the place of torments and on the other hand the bosom of Abraham.
22 In Hebrews 13:17, Louis Segond says: "Obey them that rule over you and submit to them, for they watch OVER your souls ...". But the true Bible says that there is only one who watches OVER our souls and also OVER the souls of our leaders and it is God! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”] So the true translation is not who watches OVER your souls but who watches FOR your souls.
23 1 Corinthians 11:15 ends with a full stop and not a question mark, to conclude that the long hair is the veil of the woman. And the committees which revised Louis Segond acknowledged that.
24 In Romans 16:1 it is not "deaconess" but "servant". Verse 2 shows it. This woman was in aid of the saints, that is what she did. Revelation 12:18 is part of the first paragraph of chapter 13 and it is not: "It stood" but "I stood..."because it is not the dragon but John.
25 The same work on Louis Segond has also been done for the King James, Ostervald, David Martin versions and many others because each of these versions reigns over a place of the world. There are some countries where, even among the evangelicals, Louis Segond is unknown. Satan has done a substantive work and people do not know it. You see?
26 Similarly, Louis Segond has undergone many revisions, which has never been the case of Darby. And yet, we know that it is because the thing is not good that it is revised. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. Also, the committees of revision did not keep the paragraphs that are in the Hebrew and Greek originals. And a multitude of verses has been added for harmony.
27 I point out that the Scofield and Thompson versions are by-products, derivatives of the Louis Segond version. With regards to the King James Version, that is to say King James, when King James IV of Scotland was on the throne of England under the name of James I, he asked the fifty-four best interpreters of London, both pagan and religious, to make a translation that bears his name, a way to win the favour of Christians. It is like giving to the whole world an excellent translation of the Bible called: Fidel Castro Version or even Emperor Bokassa I version. And yet, all these things are the work of theology.
28 Take Louis Segond for example, the first element of contradiction is: "Louis Segond, doctor of Theology" on the first page of this bible. Accepting that is to accept theology because if I know that fetishism is not good, how can I read a bible translated by a fetish priest and having on its front page: "Zérédji Translation, great fetish priest" even if it is well done?
29 At this level, at least, I praise the evangelicals and the Protestants because, condemning the Catholics, they do not use the Tob bible. The evangelicals and theologians will stand at the judgment to condemn the Branhamists. You see? The Branhamists want to show to mankind that the worthless tree of theology that William Branham condemned can produce very good fruits like the Louis Segond Bible. And they will answer for that before God. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]
30 If a member of those churches does not know why these Louis Segond, King James bibles and others are of the devil, I beg you to explain it to him carefully starting with theology to get to the comparisons of verses. But if a Branhamist, a son of Belial argues against this Message, it is due to ill faith or pride, if not he is a sorcerer because he cannot say that he does not understand ... [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]
31 With regards to the divisions of the Bible into chapters and verses, first, in the 9th century, the Masoretes (Jewish rabbis and scholars) inserted some figures in the margins of the scrolls of the Old Testament leaving paragraphs compact, complete and intact. Then, in the 13th century, two people: a cardinal named Hugo and an English archbishop named Langton divided the first translations into chapters. It was in 1520 that Sanctès Pagnin had placed some figures in the margin of his Latin translation like in the Hebrew scrolls after the example of the Darby Version, with no distinction of indented lines.
32 But in 1551, Robert Estienne, in his English translation of the New Testament published in Geneva, did it like Louis Segond, breaking up the text into verses and each verse into indented lines, destroying thus the paragraphs of the Hebrew and Greek scrolls. Robert Estienne did it for his publication of the Vulgate published in 1555. And this diabolical system was first adopted by the clergy of France and the major evangelical movements of the time.
33 Therefore by Darby, we know that Revelation 12:18 is the first verse of Revelation 13. Revelation 12:18 says this: “And I stood upon the sand of the sea”; and Revelation 13:1 says: “and I saw a beast rising out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and upon its horns ten diadems, and upon its heads names of blasphemy". And in Darby, the asterisks mark the beginnings of the chapters of the Hebrew originals. Thus, Genesis 2:4 is the beginning of chapter 2 of Genesis and it is the case of the entire Bible. You see that Genesis 2:1 says: "Thus were finished ...". And you see that it is the beginning of the conclusion of chapter 1 ...
34 According to history, John Nelson Darby was born in London in 1800 to an Irish father. He is of Irish origin like William Branham and Columban. After strong studies of law at the University of Dublin in Ireland, he finishes as a lawyer before giving up the bar to follow the Lord.
35 Like John Wesley in 1725, he was a small deacon of the Anglican church in 1825 then pastor the following year in the region of Wicklow in Ireland before resigning after several disagreements with his superiors. After the intense studies of law, the only thing that Darby studied, it is languages so much so that he spoke Hebrew and Greek like his mother tongue. Studying languages is not theology! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
36 Thereafter, his friend John Gifford Bellet, also a lawyer, joined him. From then on, leaned solely upon the Holy Spirit, Darby begins to preach in the villages and countrysides of Ireland, across Europe, Asia and America, condemning the organisation of the church, the presidency of the church by man, luxury and theology and demonstrating already that "Jesus Christ is the Jehovah of the Old Testament", calling all the churches to come back to the foundation of the Apostles and the prophets. Darby spoke English, French, Hebrew, Greek, German and Italian. He translated the New and the Old Testament around 1859 before the one that Louis Segond translated at the request of the Company of Pastors of Geneva.
37 The Darby version thus surpassed the one of King James that King James requested that they made in his name, and which was made in 1611, a version which had reigned over two centuries and which was the replication of that of William Tyndale.
38 And speaking of the King James version, King James himself had approved 47 scholars, powerful interpreters to whom must be added a certain number of great Jewish rabbis who had the best manuscripts and the whole divided into three big groups. A group at Cambridge University, another group at Oxford University, and the last group at Westminster. And each group was also divided into two small groups. Six groups in all. The first group finished and passed the work to the second group which passed it to the next group ... and despite that, there were fourteen corrections before the first publication of King James in 1611. And yet, each of them mastered Hebrew more than any Jew.
39 And it was reported that one of the translators of King James was so skilled in all languages, mainly those of the East, that if he had been present at the confusion of languages at the time of the tower of Babel, he could have served as an interpreter. And the great-great-grandfather of such a man was a builder of the tower of Babel and now his great-grandson is a builder of a new tower of Babel called "King James bible" in this Eden of Satan. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]
40 But the providence of God made that Darby, only one man, rose up on behalf of God to translate the Bible. Does the Almighty God need fifty-four scholars to translate the Bible? Does God deal with the clever? ...
41 The Darby version also surpassed the one of the powerful theologian Ostervald which is from a revision of the philosopher and theologian David Martin at the request of the synod of Walloon churches on the bible of Lemaistre de Sacy. I discovered that John Nelson Darby had gone further in the interpretation of the mysteries of the Bible, indicating already in the 19th century that the 24 elders around the throne were the whole of the 12 Apostles and the 12 Patriarchs, and that Genesis 1:27 does not apply to angels.
42 The only Bible on the earth which imposed itself and which has never been retouched or revised even by its author and which has never been a replication and which is not a translation from another version is the one of the lawyer John Nelson Darby. It is such a Bible that is needed for a Message of restitution. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. And I had the revelation that it is the Bible of the Bride in this end of times before having these pieces of information. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
43 John Nelson Darby died on April 29, 1882 and these are his last words: "God be blessed, I do not believe I have anything to withdraw, and very little to add. I have nothing to add except my sincere gratitude and thankful affection for Him." (Letter of March 19th, 1882). May these words also be mine at the end of this Message and may I be granted as well as you who have believed, the laurels of victory and we rest upon that! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
44 I have said what I have seen and what God has commanded me to say like Moses, Paul and all the prophets before me ... I have been called in a supernatural way and I have served like them, if they enter, we will also enter [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
45 Now, know that the Bible comes from ancient manuscripts. The three best-known manuscripts that gather the canon, the totality of the recognized books of the Old and New Testament are: the Sinaiticus discovered in the 4th century in the monastery of Saint Catherine of Mount Sinai. It contains the Old and New Testament in full; today this manuscript is preserved in the British Museum of London.
46 Then comes the Alexandrinus discovered in the 5th century in Alexandria in Egypt, it contains the Old and the New Testament and mysteriously, the New Testament starts from Matthew 25:6. That is found in the bible encyclopaedia of Frank Reisdorf-Reece. For us, it is not a coincidence. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
47 Then in 3rd place, the Vaticanus, of an unknown origin, without value, this manuscript does not contain 1 and 2 Timothy, Philemon, Titus and Revelation. It is preserved in the Vatican.
48 We consider that this manuscript assigned to Africans and starting with Matthew 25: 6 is a prophetic sign. Here is a report of theologians according to the same encyclopedia, on the same page. It is written: "The first Protestant version was the one of Olivetan (1535). It was corrected by John Calvin (1550) and later by Theodore de Bèze and edited by Cornelius Bertram (Geneva 1588). Since then, it has been revised by David Martin (1707) and by Jean-Frédéric Ostervald.
49 All these versions are replaced today by those of Louis Segond (Geneva 1874, Oxford 1880), the one called Synodal (revised in 1926), and the one that we consider the most faithful to the original text, the one of John Nelson Darby". Amen! Did you get that? I read this last sentence again: “…the one that we consider the most faithful to the original text, the one of John Nelson Darby” [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. But how then? You know that the Darby version is more faithful to the original texts and you leave it to go and use the King James versions, the Scofield, Thompson versions, and so on…? I do not understand! But me, I prefer the most faithful version even if it is hard to understand.
50 Look at the King James version for example, it was translated by a group and yet God cannot deal with a group but with only one person! And there were revisions and revisions and revisions. And a complete revision of King James took place in 1881. Before the midnight Cry, all that was not known but now that is known, do not reason! Receive that as a commandment of God. Amen!
51 God said in Matthew 25:6 and Revelation 12:14 that a short Message will come to carry the elect far from the face of the serpent: far from these Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist churches, including Islam and Judaism…
52 Far from the holy spirit that acts in these churches. ... Far from these Cain, Tommy Osborn, Kenneth Hagin, Ushe Praise, Morris Cerullo, Yonggi Cho! Far from these Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes, Doug Batchelor, Billy Graham, Edir Macedo, Valdemiro Santiago, Silas Malafaia, Paula White, Joyce Meyer and Chris Oyakhilome! Far from these David Owuor, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Uebert Angel, T. B. Joshua, David Oyedepo, Alberto Mottesi, Claudio Freidzon, and Dante Gebel!
53 Far from these Benny Hinn, Manasseh Jordan, Jesse Jackson, John Hagee, Pat Robertson, Joaquim Gonçalves, Donald Parnell, Alejandro Bullón and Guillermo Maldonado. Sorcerers and magicians under Joel 2:28 and 1 Corinthians 2:4 to 5. Far from the Next Generation Alliance. Far from Carlos Annacondia, Paul Ayoh, Benjamin Boni, Jean-Baptiste Nielbien, Bernard Agré, ... Far from these so-called Christian bookstores and media, ... Far from these unions and federations of churches, ...
54 Far from these fetish books that you call Louis Segond, King James, Tob, Scofield, Thompson bibles ... Far from these prophets that travel through the earth and, it is this Message which is the two wings of the great eagle of Revelation 12:14 and which must carry the elect to the desert far from the face of the serpent. Stay away from them! For there is no Salvation outside of this Message. Recognize the day and its Message! They are sorcerers and magicians under Joel 2:28 and 1 Corinthians 2:4 to 5. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
55 Let’s bow our heads! You who are here for the first time, after hearing this Message, is there someone who believes entirely and who would like to accept It? ... If that is the case, let him simply raise his hand ... You must do it freely because our wish is not that God transforms crabs into fish! If He does it, it will be good, but there will be a lot of fish here, but fish with behaviours of crabs and we will have all kinds of problems...
56 If someone says: “I will buy a Darby Bible but I will remain in my Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or Branhamist church, leave him! You see? It is a crab. But what God is looking for this morning, they are fish, they are the elect. Amen! Does anyone want to accept this Message this morning? [Ed: Someone raises his hand] Brother, may God bless you! Yes, Brother there! Sister, God also bless you there ... Keep your hands raised while I pray for you! May God bless you there! May God also bless you there...
57 Lord Jesus Christ, You my Lord and my Saviour. I pray that in this commitment, You support their faith! Their decision will be tried by the devil and we will not be there to support them but we recommend them to your divine grace! And as we finish this morning’s service. I commit every Brother and every Sister into your hands so that, separated from body, we may always be united in the same Spirit and in the same faith, far from sin until we meet again! Lord Jesus Christ, make us strong and give us victory over sin and over the devil and may the honour, the glory and the magnificence be to You forever and ever, Amen!