1 I, Kacou Philippe, slave of Jesus Christ, I do not cease to invite you to wisdom. Do not commit the same sins of Israel against the prophets, of Rome against the saints. By cursing me, by calling me a demon, an antichrist, and what I preach a nivaquine preaching ... know that it is to God that you do it.
2 I was pagan and on April 24, 1993, by a vision, I received the commission and the next day while I was sitting with my family, I was transported in vision into a totally desert country and I received the commission to preach the judgment. And it is after these two visions that I went to church for the very first time. And if you cannot, at least, take the Bible to contradict what I preach, stay quiet! Do not load yourselves with curses! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
3 I have never been in a seminary or a bible training, I do not read the books of your so-called Christian bookstores, for He who sent me is with me. God is sovereign! He can use whom He wants and if you are a child of God, you are bound to recognize this. At the beginning of the church, He leaves the apostles and the disciples filled with the Holy Spirit and goes and chooses Saul of Tarsus, a persecutor of the Christians to speak to the whole earth.
4 And on April 24, 1993, this same God chose a pagan that I was for the Salvation of mankind. If you are a child of God, what will you say if not: "Oh God, may your will be done."
5 A zoo is a sin for a country. A park, okay! But a zoo is a sin. An eagle or a lion in a cage, it’s a sin! It is the same for someone who has a monkey chained at home. Thus saith the Lord, free these animals otherwise, it is curse on you!
6 And we also see the wild animals, the ferocious beasts which are the giants of antiquity, invade cities with scorpions, dragons and snakes on their biceps. Men with pierced ears, erroneous hairstyles and new languages, they are all fruits of sin. They are therefore fruits of adultery and of fornication, conceived in some hotels, markets, offices, cars, unfinished houses, and so on.
7 Having sexual relations before the dowry, it is to go against oneself, against one’s country and against God. And the earth is full of it. University campuses are centres of prostitution on a large scale.
8 The devil has made of the earth his Eden and of the woman his object of publicity. The devil has given men other marks of beauty. And yet according to the Bible, the mark of beauty is the face. We see the case of Rebecca in Genesis 24:16, the case of Sarah, Abraham's wife in Genesis 12:11, the case of Rachel in Genesis 29:17, the case of Abigail in 1 Samuel 25: 3, The case of Tamar in 2 Samuel 14:27 ...
9 But the devil has invented other marks: the buttocks, then the navel, then the complexion then the makeup, and so on. Makeups are a challenge to divine perfection: a way to say that "God should do things in such a way". The fate of Jezebel is reserved for you. A divine hand seized dogs to eat your great-grandmother Jezebel. And what happened with Jezebel? The dogs did not touch the skull, the feet and the palms of her hands because of the makeup and the nail polishes. My very dear Sisters, God wants to see you as He created you. Stay so! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
10 And you, federations of churches, you, brotherhoods of sorcerers in sheep clothing, Jesus Christ has defeated you! You want to eat at the table of God and at the table of Caesar? The sword will pursue you in broad daylight and hell will receive you. You hate me, and yet if I die, God will send another Kacou Philippe.
11 Israel sawed Isaiah in pieces but another Isaiah came in the person of Jeremiah. If I die, you will not finish rejoicing that God will send another prophet because of his children on the earth. The enemy of the earth, it is you! Because you are seeking to build financial empires, therefore you caress sin? Know that God will destroy you and hell will receive you! ... You, Goliath with feet of clay, this Message will hit you. It's your torment that has begun.
12 You! Magicians! Fleshy and plump wolves! Tamed snakes! Dwelling places of Satan! You are drunk with the blood of innocent people in search of Salvation, how long will you live again on earth? And hell and the lake of fire and the dwelling place of the dead continually cry out against you: "condemnation! condemnation! condemnation!". Why? Because you have hell for nationality. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
13 You meddle in politics and you say: we do not do politics! It is like someone who says, "I do not eat pork but I drink the sauce of pork."
14 Every man dies with a crown and with an inscription on this crown, what has triumphed of his life ...
15 You have persecuted the widow and the orphan, you have persecuted the foreigner, and now you are persecuting the prophet of God while you are the land of hope, a country of hospitality, the home of true brotherhood? God is love but He is also the God of justice and judgment. The tree falls the way it leans!