Kacou 33 : Revelation on the book of Esther

(Preached on Sunday January 18, 2004 in Locodjro, Abidjan - Ivory Coast)

1 In the same way that, in all the countries, people rise to say that they are the fulfilment of Revelation 11:3 while they are not Jews, it is in this way that you will find in each nation, some people claiming themselves to be Matthew 25:6 but Jesus Christ said, the Words I say, They it is which bear witness of Me. There will be hundreds of messengers of Matthew 25: 6 but the true one will distinguish himself from them! ...

2 The miracles and healings, we all perform them, but does their life, including their past, bear witness of that of a messenger? Have they received an authentic call? Have they been mandated and commissioned by God? Did they not drink, smoke or sleep with women before their ministry or their marriage? Does the entire Bible confirm their ministry? What does their Message say? You see?

3 And it is this way that many with diabolical anointings claim to be the midnight Cry. But I have not yet found one among them who has a call, a commission and a Message, announcing what we do not know. They are all serpents and they will never go beyond the limits of their own country. As they are false prophets, it is only in their homeland that they are recognized as being prophets. And empty people, corrupt in the flesh and in the spirit, people who have sacrificed their souls on the altar of ignorance, of worldliness and hell follow them.

4 However, there must also be some Matthew 25:6 to say that we are at midnight and that the true one may be distinguished. Then, this must spread to the whole world despite the battles for a Message from God has never been approved by men.

5 But we see in 1 Kings 17 that the Branhamists have believed in William Branham because of the miracles. After the Baptist and Pentecostal crows, we find the Branhamists, this prostitute widow and in verse 24, when this widow saw the miracles, she said, Now by that I see that you are a man of God and the Word of God in your mouth is the whole truth.

6 But in 2 Kings 4, this Shunammite had the revelation of who Elisha was and she received him before the miracle. And we find this Shunammite in the vision of April 24, 1993: We have not seen the Angel and the Lamb and we have not heard the Words the Lamb pronounced, but we entirely believe It ... And yet I have seen some Branhamist pastors say, "We are waiting for the confirmation to believe." It is Matthew 12:38.

7 They are the great-grandsons of the Pharisees. And I told you that the earth being in the hand of Satan, it is difficult, if not impossible, for some sons of God to lead assemblies in the absence of a prophet messenger or for an assembly to be in the will of God seven years after the death of a prophet messenger.

8 Well. Let’s see the book of Ruth before the one of Esther. All the books of the Bible contain symbols like the book of Ruth: Naomi is the Church at the time of the Apostles. When God turned away from Israel and there was a famine of the Word there, she went towards the nations. There, her husband, who is a type of the Apostles, died. The seven messengers who are her sons maintained the faith of that widow out of whom will come, in the end, a wise virgin, Ruth and a foolish virgin, Orpah ...

9 Let’s take the book of Esther now... In the 7th age of the Church of the nations, after the work of the seven heavenly angels who are the seven princes. You see? There are seven princes who see the face of the King in Heaven (Carshena, Shethar, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena, and Memucan).

10 And there are seven chamberlains on the earth who are terrestrial messengers of the seven ages of the Church (Paul, Irenaeus, Martin, Columban, Martin Luther, John Wesley and William Branham). The chamberlains are beside women, you see? So, the 7th angel who is the Spirit of Elijah, who is Memucan, enters the scene to promulgate an edict which is the midnight Cry.

11 There are seven princes in Heaven who see the face of the King, that is to say God, and seven chamberlains on the earth with the Queen, the Bride of Christ. But after that, after the work of the seventh chamberlain on the earth, the rapture did not take place.

12 And then, an 8th chamberlain who is Hegai will enter the scene on the earth. He will emit a Cry, an edict. Like in Matthew 25:6, the edict calls all the virgins of all the provinces of the earth. And the wise stick to what the chamberlain says. Brethren, no matter the right revelations and the true mysteries that someone is going to preach outside what has pleased God to give through Hegai, never receive it. The Bible says it because there will be some. Brethren, you will not say you were not warned.

13 The edict of Memucan who is the 7th heavenly angel is therefore the Cry of Matthew 25:6 calling the virgins out, under the lead of Hegai, an eighth chamberlain on earth. It is Thus saith the Lord. Verse 9 says that Vashti also shows off her wealth, saying: "We have the Message, we have Ewald Frank, we have Branham’s children... we do not need a midnight Cry! Branham has revealed everything; we have the brochures". Those are the Hamans at the feast of Vashti.  The assurance and the error of Vashti, it was Haman at her feast.

14 But Memucan [7 letters], the 7th heavenly angel who is the Spirit of Elijah, continues and the wise virgins of Matthew 25:6 will only accept... Esther 2:15. But!... a little Hegai [5 letters like Kacou: the grace] was there for the circumstance. The edict was not planned, Esther was not planned, Hegai was not planned but it is grace that did that. Hegai, an eighth but not in the number of the seven heavenly angels, not in the number of the seven chamberlains on the earth, the same way David, an eighth, was not in the number of the seven. O boneheaded Branhamists. Why do you not understand that?

15 Notice that for the purification, Esther is surrounded by seven virgin maidens of the royal house, like Hegai was surrounded by the seven chamberlains. Those are the seven virgins of the seven ages and the seven chamberlains are the seven terrestrial messengers of the seven Church ages.

16 Let’s see the purification of Esther which is a type of Daniel 12:10. This purification should last twelve months with oil of myrrh, spices and perfumes. And the meaning of these components expresses the depth of this purification. Myrrh and spices. The magi offered myrrh at the birth of the Lord Jesus for the purification of the Church.