1 Well, I would like to preach this morning on Daniel 11:29 to 39. The Lord Jesus Christ, the son of man, the prophet-messenger said: "As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world." He said that in John 9:5. He said, "As long as I am in the world" because when he leaves the world, another one will be the light of the world.
2 Paul was the light of the world as long as he was on earth, Colomban, Polycarp, Antipas and Martin Luther were the light of the world as long as they were on earth. John Wesley and William Branham were the light of the world as long as they were in this world and the prophet messenger of Matthew 25:6 will be the light of his generation. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. And you saw that in the vision of April 24, 1993 ... I am going to read it: "And a man having the appearance of a Cloud and holding a sword came down from Heaven with a Lamb and the earth was illuminated again." [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
3 And today, I would like to talk about what people will know in twenty years. And by the grace of God, there remains almost no mystery to us in the Bible. What was not written has been explained orally, as in Revelation 12 where we find in verse 1, Judaism and Christianity in this woman, and then from verse 3 to 6, it is Judaism again and verse 6 is the ministry of Elijah and Moses. It is not the expression "a time, times and half a time appointed'' but in figures as in Revelation 11:3. Then Revelation 12:13 to 16 it is Christianity and then in verse 17, it is Judaism and Christianity.
4 Well, let’s come back to Daniel 11. Now know that a prophecy has its Interpretation in each epoch. Thus, the prophet has to wait for the interpretation of his time otherwise, he must not take the past Revelation for that of his time; he should not go faster than God either.
5 Daniel 11 and Daniel 12 are the extension of the vision of Hiddekel river and the South is the centre of the instructions of the Angel to Daniel. The South is Africa. The Septentrion, it is the North, that is to say Europe. The East or the Rising is Asia. The Setting or the West is America. But we see that the North and the South are the focus of this revelation.
6 Let’s consider these ten verses now, of Daniel 11:29 to 39. Let’s consider Daniel 11:29 to 35 first. Well, since the evening time, the Holy Covenant is in its phase of restitution for the Church. This is the beginning of the time of the restoring of all things. This is the beginning of the final end.
7 Henceforth, God uses the phrase "at the time appointed." But at the beginning of the cock-crow, in verse 40, God uses: "At the time of the end ...". Everything becomes more precise. And Daniel 11 says that: "And in those times shall many stand up against the king of the South; and the violent of thy people will exalt themselves to establish the vision; but they shall fall." Amen! What is this?
8 Tommy Osborn, Benny Hinn, Morris Cerullo, Baruti Kasongo ... will stand up but the violent will stand to counter their attack, this invasion of demons. Let’s consider verse 31: God will rescue with a Message but churches and men, sons of the devil will be there on their behalf, on behalf of the king of the North and of America. And what will the king of the North do? He will come against the Holy Covenant with the abomination that makes desolate. What is this?
9 What is the abomination that makes desolate? I stop a little on verse 31: the fulfilment of these things has been in three phases. First, in the year 168 BC, Antiochus Epiphanes invaded Judea and killed 4,000 Jews. He promulgated a religion for all and the temple of Jerusalem was dedicated to Zeus and he erected an idol of the god Jupiter there and offered swine on the altar and obliged all the Jews to worship Jupiter. It was the first phase of the abomination that makes desolate.
10 and in a second phase, it is the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D. and the rise of a mosque at the site of the temple. This was the abomination that makes desolate placed in the holy sanctuary. Then, thirdly, what happens today? ... This preaching is hard but I must say it and I beg you to kindly bear with me. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
11 We know that the beast has always been coming from Europe where there are also thousands of elect who will believe the midnight Cry. Follow very well! First, Rome whose image is the United States of America. Secondly, Roman Catholicism whose image is the current Protestantism, whose head is the United States of America.
12 And thirdly, in order to perpetuate the prophecies and that there may be no confusion in God, William Branham by the power of the God of the midnight Cry chooses a European Ewald Frank to establish him over the evening Message. And every trip of Ewald Frank and Alexis Barilier towards the daughter of the South, that is to say the churches of Africa is in Daniel 11.
13 And Ewald Frank, this small European, himself enlightened and made famous by William Branham’s Message brought theology, the abomination of nations, to sacrifice it as a swine on the altar of the revelation. The brochures of Ewald Frank, they are Antiochus IV’s swine on God’s altar.
14 Ewald Frank’s brochures, it is the Al-Aqsa mosque at the site of the temple of Jerusalem. Ewald Frank is the modern forerunner of all those who do not know that when a prophet-messenger has spoken, no one can correct his sayings.
15 Well. In verse 33, it is said that the wise, the wise virgins shall shepherd the multitude with an iron rod and that ... let’s read that: "And they that are wise among the people shall instruct the many; and they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days.".
16 This verse 33 is the beginning of the war of Armageddon and verse 34 says that hypocrites will see that it is what the Bible says in Revelation 12:15, Revelation 19:11 and Revelation 16:13 to 16 that is to say the persecution of Christians that is really being accomplished and they will join us and some of them could be killed, but who will nevertheless go to hell.
17 And that is where the mystery of Matthew 22:12 is, he who entered the wedding Feast without wedding Garment. They are those who joined suddenly while they had rejected it before. You see? They had not believed, preached and received the Spirit of the Message. They did not perform any work and yet the wedding robes, it is this. They entered through the different persecutions of the Church. They were killed and suffered the same penalties as Christians. This is where the thing happened. It is in Matthew 22:12. They are different from the crippled and lame who are our own brethren who stumble and who will be saved through the persecutions. It is only through the persecution that the spiritually poor, the spiritual lame, crippled and blind get in. There, the Angels of Matthew 13 have not been able to make the separation; it is the Master Himself who did that separation. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
18 And verse 35 says that even some of the wise will fall but will raise for the rapture. Why? The step that was difficult to them in the flesh, will be passed over through death. In verse 35, it is said, "for it shall yet be for the time appointed." I felt something say: "Not a time appointed but the time appointed, for it is only during the time appointed that they will fall." It's still that same supernatural and I say this in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thus, before the end of times, it is the time appointed and it is right now. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
19 Know one thing, Daniel 11:38 is not about the Catholics’ pope nor about his Protestant and evangelical images but on the one hand, about Ewald Frank, Barilier and their succession and on the other hand about Jeffersonville. The whole world is full of admiration for them; in just a minute, Ewald Frank’s voice can reach the ends of the earth. No president can do that. What I am saying, others will understand it later but there is a seed that says "Amen" and that understands it right on the spot. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
20 All the Branhamists have consideration for the Branham-Tabernacle. The most idolaters, both pastors and faithful, dream about walking on this holy sanctuary of the Branhamism some day. And in their assemblies, it is the model of the pulpit in the Branham-Tabernacle. What's this? Jeffersonville is the Vatican City with the Branham-Tabernacle which is the cathedral of St. Peter in Rome.
21 The Branham-Tabernacle is the new place of pilgrimage for if there is the beast, there must be the Vatican City and its small cathedral of St. Peter. It is the place like a cathedral that William BRANHAM saw in a vision of things to come. And that is what the Spirit says at midnight. And it is the word of a prophet. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
22 And in the beginning, the false prophet of Revelation 16:13 was the pope of Rome, but now that false prophet is the Branhamist pope of Krefeld. And have you seen the picture of Frank Ewald and Branham’s children in the circular letters No.56? It is exactly like the picture of Billy Graham and Pope John Paul II. You see? Billy Paul ... I mean Billy Graham nicknamed "the Protestant pope" who is in America and Pope John Paul II, the beast of the North which is Europe.
23 Brethren, what then is this Branhamist movement today? That is nothing other than the new nest of Christian apostasy. And the midnight Cry which has unmasked it is worthy of receiving honour, praise and majesty forever and ever. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
24 And Billy Graham and Tommy Osborn are the antichrist couple of Protestantism before the pope of Rome as Billy Paul and Joseph Branham are to the Branhamist Protestantism before Ewald Frank. You see? It is up to Billy Paul and Joseph Branham to show to humanity that they are not Hophni and Phinehas in the time of Samuel, the two sons of Eli but rather the two sons of Elijah the Tishbite and God will permit them to confess it with this Message before they die.
25 But the picture of Billy Paul and Joseph Branham beside Pope Ewald Frank in the circular letter 56 is very significant for, an Angel of God cannot pose in the same picture next to an angel of Satan. And it is the image of Billy Graham posing on the same picture with Pope John Paul II. And all the Branhamist Protestant world and all the Branhamist Catholic world feels admiration for these two big beasts that receive an authority of prophet before Satan for an hour.
26 First of all, they are dragons and we see it through the different conventions; heads, conceptions and doctrines come together there before Satan for an hour. Secondly, they are beasts and thirdly they are false prophets according to Revelation 16:13 and they reveal the three satanic ministries. They are references while they are not prophets and those whose names had not been written in the book of Life of the Lamb before the foundation of the world feel admiration for them. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. The final ministry of Satan for gathering the seed of the serpent together according to Revelation 16:13 to 16 is that of the false prophet and the false prophets, the whole earth is full of them. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
27 Well, let’s come back to verse 36 ... No matter the humility that prophet Ewald Frank or Alexis Barilier shows, the Bible says that these are beasts which have no regard for the Word that God reveals through a prophet messenger. What popes and presidents are manifesting today, God and his prophets saw it through the early humble popes... [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
28 Now, notice the two doves in the vision of April 24, 1993. 1993 is an important year, I could say the year of death of President Houphouët. As someone could say over there in the Old Testament, the year of the death of king Uzziah, the year of the death of such king, the year of the death of such other king, and so on. This is the language of prophets. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
29 Now what are these two doves? : These two doves are the witnesses of God. By the side of the great river Hiddekel, Daniel saw them for the Lord Jesus Christ had an action on earth. After the evening Message in Daniel 12:4, when Daniel was about to hear the unknown language in verse 8, these two doves appeared to Daniel as two characters in verse 5 of Daniel 12.
30 Here, the strong angel of Revelation 10:1, of Dan.10:4 and of the vision of April 24, 1993 held up both hands unto the Heavens. Let’s read Daniel 12:5: " And I Daniel looked, and behold, there stood other two, the one on this side, on the bank of the river, and the other on that side, on the bank of the river.... And I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river; and He held up his right hand and his left hand unto the Heavens, and swore by Him that liveth for ever '.
31 Why were the two hands held up there? I'll come to it in another preaching. But here, the two doves in the vision are Elijah and Moses! The revelation of the unknown language was so much a solemn event so that all the Heaven moved: the strong Angel and the two doves also attended the ceremony. Daniel was present! Moses was present! Elijah was present! William Branham was present! Apostle John was present! You see? The revelation of the unknown language was a great mission and God entrusted It to a man, God neither entrusted it to the Archangel Gabriel nor to the Archangel Michael nor to any other Angel ... but to a man. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
32 Prophet Zechariah saw them and the angel said to Zechariah: "These are the two sons of oil that stand before the Lord of the whole earth." In Genesis 18 and Genesis 19, God came down with these two witnesses. Maybe in some way, they are Gabriel and Michael as some say but according to the revelation that has been given to the Bride at midnight, it is these same two witnesses of April 24, 1993 and Revelation 11. These two men smote the men of Sodom with blindness. What is it? Have Michael and Gabriel once done that? What did they do more? They made fire come down from heaven on Sodom and Gomorrah.
33 Read Revelation 11:4 to 5, 2 Kings 1 and 1 Kings 18 ... Which one of Gabriel and Michael once smote someone with death? Have Gabriel and Michael once walked by the sides of God? In the middle of the Bible, we see the two witnesses, Elijah and Moses in the book of Daniel 12:5. We find them again in Zechariah 4. In the New Testament in Matthew 17:3, we find them again on the mountain of transfiguration.
34 Then at the end of the Bible, we find them again in Revelation 11. That's perfect! In Genesis, they were the two witnesses going and showing the facts to the Lord according to Genesis 18:16 and verse 20. Some day, when we're there, you will see that this is the exact truth as if I were there. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
35 Now, how does this vision of April 24, 1993 end? A ladder set between the Heaven and the earth above the waters and the Angels ascended and descended. Anyone who knows the history of the Church "will bow" before a heroine of faith: Vibia Perpetua.
36 In her prison, a few days before the Roman sword struck her in the year 257, she was transported in vision, and saw a ladder set up to Heaven and she was told: "Perpetua, I'll help you, but make sure the dragon lying at the foot of the ladder does not bite you". In that time, the living creature of Ezekiel was the calf and the way to Heaven was the martyr, passing through the red dragon, drunk with the blood of saints.
37 Jacob saw that in Genesis 28:12 and said: "... and behold, a ladder was set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to the heavens. And behold, Angels of God ascended and descended upon it". And what you should understand in this vision of April 24, 1993 is that God said to Jacob: " I am Jehovah,... And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south; and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed, that is to say those who believe in you…"
38 And Jacob was afraid, and said, "... THIS IS THE GATE OF HEAVEN!" And Jacob built an altar. You see? This is the only gate of Heaven, the gate of the wedding of the ten virgins of Matthew 25. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
39 The Kingdom of the Heavens has only one door and one gets in through a Message, but hell has thousands of doors. The Lord Jesus Christ said: Hades’ gates shall not prevail against you! Baptist gates shall not prevail against you! Catholic gates shall not prevail against you! Methodist gates shall not prevail against you! Pentecostal gates shall not prevail against you! You see? Free Baptist, a gate. Fundamental Baptist, a gate. Apostolic Baptist a gate. Missionary Baptist, a gate. Southern Baptist, a gate. Full gospel Baptist, a gate. Works and missions Baptist church, a gate. Faith and life Baptist, a gate. Candlestick Baptist, a gate. Evangelical Baptist, a gate. Baptist evangelical church, a gate. The Baptist church of Pentecost, a gate ...
40 Know that every church on earth which does not walk according to the living prophet messenger of this generation is a gate of hell. Thus, each catholic church, each protestant church, each evangelical church, each Branhamist church, each mission and ministry, is a gate of hell. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
41 And know that Genesis 28:12 to 17 is the continuation and the end of the vision of April 24, 1993 [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. If someone enters the wedding Feast bypassing this gate ... God will get him down otherwise this Message is false. In a generation the prophet messenger is the door of the Heavens. I am the door today and no one comes to the Father unless by me" [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
42 We are living in a glorious time. Salvation came from Jews. You have heard that Salvation comes from Jews but now, Salvation comes from Africa for the Lord Jesus Christ reveals Himself through this Message and it is to Him that the voice of Matthew 25: 6 told us to go. Oh! Precious light! Oh! Glorious Message! ... The midnight Cry is Jesus Christ whom the religious world must reject again, that is to say crucify.
43 John 6:28 to 29 says that the work of God is to believe in him whom He has sent. And I tell you that there is a door here on earth with the Keys of the Kingdom of Heavens according to Matthew 16:19: "I will give to thee the keys of the Kingdom of the Heavens…" Yet, Peter is dead. Paul is dead, Martin Luther is dead, John Wesley is dead, William Branham is dead ... But the Keys of the Kingdom of the Heavens are with whom? A living person! The Keys of the Kingdom of the Heavens are always with a living person on earth.
44 And according to Revelation 1:18, Jesus Himself had not this Key but those of death and of hades ... You see? ''The same way that Mary conceived miraculously, without knowing any man, the same way Moses that received in details what happened at the creation, you have received the words of eternal Life on this April 24, 1993 and It is decreed by God. At the appointed time, you will understand and you will teach what you did not learn in order that whoever believes has eternal Life ". What's this? John 3:16 alive today! You see? [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
45 For the first time since Moses, since Genesis, a man speaks of things he did not know, without a dream nor a vision. And he that hath ears to hear let him hear for the God of the Spirits of the prophets has spoken. This Message is not from man. Therefore, let anyone who stands against this Message have the Angel and the Lamb of April 24, 1993 as his adversary. And he that can understand, let him understand!