Kacou 57 : The Altar of Acts 19:19

(Preached on Sunday morning, December 24, 2006 in Adjamé, Abidjan – Ivory Coast)

1 Well. I have always shown through this Gospel that God sends an angel because man is corrupt and has corrupted his own way of Salvation. And this angel comes out of the presence of God and comes on behalf of God with an everlasting Gospel as the only light to light the world as we can see it in Revelation 18:1. And this heavenly angel, whom we could imagine with wings, comes down from Heaven and gives his Message to a man on earth and this man is the representation of the heavenly angel on earth. And this man also is God’s portion and heritage among men.

2 And you saw that in the vision of April 24, 1993, the Angel, the Lamb and my soul were made one upon the waters like Elijah and Moses and Jesus on the mountain of the transfiguration, in Matthew 17.

3 And what this terrestrial angel preaches, however little or however soft or however insignificant it may be, that is what the will of God is for the generation of this angel. Anything else that somebody might bring somewhere is seen by God as nail polish, lipstick, and other forms of make-up for the seduction of the Church.

4 And everything that the prophet says or does or what happens in the course of his ministry, is the only thing that he himself or the scribes must safeguard through books, cassettes, CD and other means. And in each synagogue, the priests reported to their faithful what the prophet of their time said supporting it with comments. And when this prophet died, in the long run, God would raise up another one. You see? After Isaiah, God raised up Amos. Even if two prophets are on the scene at the same time like John the Baptist and Jesus, one of the two, shall leave the scene.   

5 Now let’s consider Acts 19:19 … "And many of those that practised curious arts brought their books of charms and burnt them before all. And they reckoned up the prices of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver."… Those who had believed brought their books. Any book that was not written by an authentic prophet of God or that was not a history book of Israel written by scribes, they brought them to have them burnt.

6 Do not think at any moment that they were things like Rosicrucian books of today. It was not that! Read Deuteronomy 13 and Deuteronomy 18 and you will see that a Jew can never have a book of magic art in his hand. Why? Because the law was applied in all its rigour. So much so that in John 8, a woman taken red-handed in adultery was going to be stoned if Jesus did not intervene! Moses had strictly defended any curious art and any Jew, wherever he was, saw to its application.

7 But what are thus those thousands of books which were burnt since Acts 19:19? There were two categories of them: on the one hand, books called "apocryphal books" and on the other hand, books called "Talmud", which are the books of the priests, rabbis and many other evangelical books of that time. Apocryphal books, they were books of prophetic nature, of divine inspiration or bearing names of prophets and that are actually not. I do say: actually not.

8 And among the apocryphal books of the Old Testament, I have picked one; there are tens but I have picked only one: "the book of Baruch, the son of Nerijah".  It is indeed Baruch, the companion of Prophet Jeremiah. He had written a wonderful book but that book had to be burnt in Acts 19:19 for, being the companion or the disciple of a prophet, that does not give you the right to write a book and however good that book may be, it had to be burnt on the altar of Acts 19:19!

9 For only a prophet messenger was authorised to write a book. That is why you see in the Bible, the book of prophet so-and-so, the book of prophet so-and-so, the book of prophet so-and-so! But you will never see the book of priest so-and-so, the book of high priest so-and-so, the book of superintendent so-and-so, the book of rabbi so-and-so … yet, the priesthood of the Judaism or the old Covenant, they are the ministries of Ephesians 4:11 in the new Covenant that is to say apostle, church prophet, evangelist and teacher. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

10 And in the New Testament, I have also picked two books. I have picked: "The Gospel according to Nicodemus". Nicodemus had had interviews with the Lord Jesus and had followed the ministry of the Lord Jesus from a distance and at the Lord Jesus’ death, he was there but all that never gave him the right to write a Gospel. And however good the Gospel of Nicodemus may be, that Gospel had to be brought on the altar of Acts 19:19 to be burnt.

11 Today, if people saw that book, they would be delighted. They would say, "Ah! Nicodemus reports in details what he said with the Lord Jesus…". You see? Nicodemus knows very well that a priest cannot write a book! No book bears the name of a priest!

12 Whether he is called Abiathar or Zadok or Azariah or Elnathan, God never gave him that right to write a book. But when Nicodemus saw Peter, James and other write, he thought that he could do it and he did it and his book was much appreciated, but before the altar of Acts 19:19, his book was burnt. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

13 Even if a book also had in its content, within it, Words of God or true verses or even a book like Isaiah’s, it was to be burnt on the altar of Acts 19:19! Amen! Take the whole Bible and you will see that they are the prophet messengers only who wrote books. You will never see the book of a priest.

14 And today in Christianity, the priesthood is the apostles, church prophets, evangelists, and teachers. They do not have the right to write a book. And if you find the book of an apostle, church prophet, evangelist, or teacher, you must burn that according to Acts 19:19.

15 Tell Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes, Doug Batchelor, Billy Graham, Edir Macedo, Valdemiro Santiago, Silas Malafaia, Paula White, Joyce Meyer and Chris Oyakhilome that Prophet Kacou Philippe has lighted the altar of Acts 19:19 again to burn all their books according to Acts 19:19!

16 Tell David Owuor, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Uebert Angel, T. B. Joshua, David Oyedepo, Alberto Mottesi, Claudio Freidzon, and Dante Gebel that as the apostles, Prophet Kacou Philippe has lighted the fire of the altar of Acts 19:19 on earth again to burn all they have written on earth!

17 Tell Benny Hinn, Manasseh Jordan, Jesse Jackson, John Hagee, Pat Robertson, Joaquim Gonçalves, Donald Parnell, Alejandro Bullón and Guillermo Maldonado that Prophet Kacou Philippe has lighted the fire of the altar of Acts 19:19 on earth again to burn all they have accomplished on earth! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

18 I shout very loud this morning to Tommy Osborn, Yonggi Cho, Kenneth Hagin, Reinhard Bonnké, Ewald Frank, Rebecca Brown, Win Worley and to all those who wrote books, however good those books are, that I have lighted the altar of Acts 19:19 anew. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. Tell all those ones that we are waiting for the pieces of wood of the altar of Acts 19:19 and that those pieces of wood are their books, treaties and so-called bibles. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

19 I shout very loud to the Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist churches, including Islam and Judaism, that I have lighted the altar of Acts 19:19 anew. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. I shout very loud to the whole world that the altar of Acts 19:19 is lighted here. Bring your books on the altar of Acts 19:19 and save yourselves, otherwise it will be the lake of fire for you and your books! You see? [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

20 And I have also picked for the New Testament another book:  "The epistle of Barnabas". Oh, brethren, if a book had to be accepted, that would be "The epistle of Barnabas". Barnabas was a reference to Christianity, and he performed many miracles that needed to be safeguarded and he is the one who had the honour to present Apostle Paul to the Christians! He was not just anybody, but his book was burnt on the altar of Acts 19:19. And the Bible says that he was finally led into some kind of corruption so much so that he even wrote a book while he is not a prophet messenger. And in Paul’s epistles, we seldom saw the name of this vigorous combatant of faith.

21 But Brethren, did Barnabas have to write a book? No! He knew very well through the Old Testament that only a prophet messenger was authorised to write. But when he saw that he was something with the miracles that were performed from his hand. When he saw everywhere that the Bible does not say: "Paul and Barnabas…" but "Barnabas and Paul…" especially in Acts 13:2, he thought that he had at least the same ministry as Paul.

22 Yet, two prophet messengers cannot minister on earth at the same time. When he saw all that, his heart was lifted up like Uzziah and he thought that he could write a religious book. Barnabas certainly thought in his heart, "It is by the Holy Spirit that one writes and that is why in the Old Testament it was only the prophet messenger who wrote. But if in the New Testament God has poured the Holy Spirit upon everyone and that even the veil of the temple was rent, what prevents me from writing what the Holy Spirit Himself inspires me or made from my hand for the edification of his Church"? And like Paul, he wrote an epistle. But before the altar of Acts 19:19, they asked: Whose epistle is this? They did not seek errors in it but they simply asked: Whose epistle is this? You see? [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

23 If a pastor, a reverend or a bishop writes a wonderful book, you do not have to look for errors or anything at all but the fact that it is a pastor, a reverend, a bishop or an apostle or an evangelist or a teacher who wrote that, you must burn that on the altar of Acts 19:19. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

24 And these examples of Baruch and Barnabas could help Ewald Frank well but alas! And each time I think about Ewald Frank, I see the image of Lucifer who wanted to have a glorious ministry like Gabriel’s.

25 See in the Bible whether Baruch and Barnabas did not have greater ministries than Ewald Frank’s! Know that Baruch could have lived close to Jeremiah long enough, that did not give him the right to write a book. Barnabas will have done everything for Paul and with Paul, that never gave him the right to write a book. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

26 Every book that is not written by a prophet messenger or that is not the history of the Church or Israel is a satanic book. When an apostle, a church prophet, an evangelist, a teacher, a bishop, a pastor, a reverend writes a religious book, God sees that as a pornographic book and that must be burnt on the altar of Acts 19:19. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

27 Some books are not in the Bible but the Bible gives them credit because they are books written by prophet messengers; such as the book of Prophet Nathan and the book of Prophet Gad according to 1 Chronicles 29:29. And the Mishnah, the Gemara, the Talmud of Babylon and the Talmud of Jerusalem and all the other so-called sacred books were burnt by those who had them and the signal to burn those books was given in Acts 19:19.

28 After the Holy Spirit came down in Acts 2; after all these things, in the long run, under the guidance of the Apostles and the disciples, people started burning the religious books they had almost everywhere. Not only in Ephesus, but everywhere there was Christianity.

29 Now observe, why these things? Follow now: Nicodemus could not write because he that has to write is the prophet messenger [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

30 Out of the thirty-nine books the Old Testament has, I saw that twenty-nine are prophetic books or bearing prophets’ names and I saw that the rest, that is, ten are books of the history of Israel that the scribes wrote for future generations. And in the old days, a scribe does not write what he wants to, it was a solemn thing!

31 What does Esther 2:23 say, "… And it was written in the book of the Chronicles before the king." You see? Before the king! And you will not see the explanation of a verse in a book of history. See the books of Kings, Chronicles, of Nehemiah and Ezra… You will not see comments on the Psalms or the law. The authors are scribes, those who are mandated to write the history of Israel and to transcribe what prophets say because the prophets are often people who do not have a great education.

32 And it was because God promised scribes in Matthew 23:34 to 35 that we know the history of Calvin, of Martin Luther and others [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. And if God sends a scribe today, he will write everything Christianity is doing without taking any stand and without trying to explain a verse. And if he does well, one day, such a book will be worthy to be read. It is a book of history, of our history.  

33 Now, I would like to say something: in the Bible there is first the prophet messenger and secondly, the four ministries of Ephesians 4:11 that is to say apostle, church prophet, evangelist, and teacher, and thirdly the nine gifts in 1 Corinthians 12 …

34 Be attentive. There are three stages of ministry: the gifts, the ministries in the church and the ministry of prophet messenger without whom there is no church on earth. If one of the gifts of 1 Corinthians 12 is acting in a church, this gift is for that local church alone and cannot be communicated elsewhere.

35 Now if an apostle, a church prophet, an evangelist, or a teacher preaches, that is for his country alone and cannot go outside of his country. Only a prophet messenger can preach for the whole of mankind and like Noah, he is alone in his time. And you must accept him to be saved. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

36 An apostle or teacher who gave an edifying preaching, that’s good but we cannot record it or write it or do anything to send it to another country. But now, know that the ministries are for the edification of all. And therefore, a Brother can listen or have people listen to a preaching even from a preacher of another country.

37 Wherever you are, know that this is the revelation of God that you must believe to be saved. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. Acts 19:19. Know that if you are an apostle, church prophet, evangelist or teacher, when you try to write a book, you take directly the position of King Uzziah in 2 Chronicles 26:16, a king who wanted to burn incense to Jehovah while he did not have the right to do it.

38 And I was delighted when I saw that the chief priest Azariah supported by eighty priests went to meet and prevent him from doing it. Notice that they did not prevent him because he did the service badly, but they went to meet him and said to him, "You are not allowed to burn incense, you are a king! And you are not allowed to do that…".

39 Let’s read that: "But when king Uzziah became strong his heart was lifted up to his downfall … and he went into the temple of Jehovah to burn incense upon the altar of incense. And Azariah the priest went in after him, and with him priests of Jehovah, eighty valiant men; and they withstood Uzziah the king, and said to him, It is not for thee, Uzziah, to burn incense to Jehovah, but for the priests the sons of Aaron, that are consecrated to burn incense. Go out of the sanctuary!" [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. "…Uzziah was wroth; … and while he was wroth with the priests, [a white leprosy] rose up in his forehead before the priests…" [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

40 And the Bible says that he was struck with a white leprosy on the spot.  Know that when a reverend, a bishop, a pastor, a teacher, a church prophet, evangelist writes a book, the leprosy of Uzziah is upon him. And this is the infallible revelation of God. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

41 In the Bible, under the law, at the time when God requested efforts from the flesh and blood, what He did not allow, He will not allow it under the new Covenant with the Holy Spirit. Why? Because He is the same yesterday today and to the ages to come.

42 A priest never wrote in the Old Testament, a priest that is to say, apostle, church prophet, evangelist or teacher will never write a religious book in the New Testament. If he does it, know that the leprosy of Uzziah is on him and it is the prophet of your time who says it to you. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

43 Today, everything those apostles, teachers, pastors and church prophets are writing, God calls that books of curious arts, pornographic books. And in Acts 19:19, the books that their forefathers had written were burnt.

44 But books and versions of the Bible written or translated by some true servants of God like Martin Luther, William Tyndale, Olivetan and others were not burnt. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. They had written precious books on fasting and prayer and on such and such a subject but all that was burnt. No one can write on the Word of God except the prophet messenger!

45 And throughout the history of the Church, there was a hot debate on the book of Hebrews. There was a group of historians and theologians who said that the book of Hebrews was written by Paul. And there was another group that said that the book of Hebrews had been written by Apollos or something of that kind. But the Revelation and the line of God’s Revelation tell us that it is Paul who is the author of it.

46 It must be the man to whom that is given from Heaven. Otherwise, if you rise and write, then the leprosy of Uzziah will smite you immediately. When was he struck with leprosy? It was not the first day but the day when he stiffened his neck before the Word. And it is the same today, while you are hearing Prophet Kacou Philippe, the prophet that God had sent to you when you were alive on earth. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

47 And after the Word spoke, if you reason at only one moment, then you are struck with the leprosy of Uzziah until your death. God did not even wait for him to burn incense again but as soon as he stiffened his neck, the leprosy appeared! Amen! Not on his hand but on his forehead! A white leprosy! A leprosy both spiritual and physical when he reasoned with the Word!

48 From the moment when you are warned and that you reason, the leprosy of Uzziah is on your forehead. As soon as the living prophet of your time tells you that a pastor or teacher or apostle or evangelist or church prophet cannot write and that you reason in yourself saying, "Did not Peter, James, John who are Apostles write? Did not even David who is a king write"? as soon as you reason this way the leprosy of Uzziah appears on your forehead!

49 Why? Because Prophet Kacou Philippe says that the Apostles and disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ are prophets. And these prophets received their Message from God when God was on the earth in a human form, in the person of the Lord Jesus. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

50 The prophet is he who receives the Word directly from God. And the Lord Jesus Christ is God. Amen! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. Prophets are Angels. And Jesus Christ and his Apostles and his disciples, it is the Almighty God in the midst of his Angels! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

51 Follow this now. When Isaiah had given his Message, the priests who were there were to start announcing that because it was the will of God for their time. And when Isaiah died, it was there that the people had to stop. Normally, after the messenger of the midnight Cry, after a prophet messenger, there should not be any division if people recognize that he that makes the people progress is the living prophet messenger.

52 When Moses left the people in Exodus 32, Aaron had no right to make the people take only one step ahead. The greatest priest known to the world is Aaron but the day when he tried to make the people progress, it was a golden calf! And any priest or a minister of Ephesians 4:11, that is to say, apostle, church prophet, evangelist or teacher who will write a book, that book will be a golden calf! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. And every Jew knows that a priest has the mission of maintaining the faith of the people until God sends another prophet messenger on earth. If a priest had to achieve it, it should be Aaron, the father of all the priesthood, from generation to generation till now.

53 Aaron is the father of the apostles, church prophets, evangelists and teachers. If Aaron, the father of the priesthood who wanted to do something for God, made a golden calf, every apostle, church prophet, evangelist or teacher must recognise that the sovereignty of God says that it is a prophet messenger who is authorized to make the people progress. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

54 And the priesthood today, they are the ministries of Ephesians 4:11. Yet, the faith of Israel is Hosea 12:13 and 2 Chronicles 20:20.  No matter the depth and benefit of the book of a pastor, apostle or teacher even if he is a Christian, full of the Holy Spirit like Barnabas, that book must be burnt according to Acts 19:19 [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. Apart from the Bible or what a prophet messenger says, burn everything according to Acts 19:19. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

55 And I repeat saying that a book of God does not comment on what another Prophet said. In Ezekiel chapter 1, in Heaven, we saw that the four creatures around God looked each in its direction. And on the earth, they are the four ministries of Ephesians 4:11 around the living prophet messenger of their time.

56 Thus, in its dispensation, one creature cannot explain what another creature has said unless it is his son. The sons or disciples of the lion for the lion, the sons of the calf for the calf, the sons of the creature with the face of a man for the creature with the face of a man and the sons of the eagle for the eagle.

57 Neither Jeremiah nor the disciple of Jeremiah is authorised to interpret what Isaiah said, unless it is a prophecy related to him! So much so that when going through the book of a prophet, we have the impression that that Prophet is unaware of the presence of the law and other prophets who came before him.

58 Isaiah does not speak about Moses and about the law of Moses nor about another prophet. You see? And today, if God sends another prophet on earth in our time, it is not to come and preach what Jeremiah said, what Jesus of Nazareth said, what Moses said or what another prophet said but to preach the prophetic revelation given directly by God today on the earth. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

59 Malachi does not comment on the book of Jeremiah, or another prophet, or the law, or the Psalms. Prophet Zechariah does not comment on the book of Daniel, or another Prophet, or the law, or the Psalms! Prophet Isaiah does not comment on the book of Amos, or another Prophet, or the law, or the Psalms! Except if what that prophet of the past time said has its fulfilment in his time as we could see Jesus referring regularly to the prophets and the Psalms.

60 And it is in this sense that I referred to Matthew 25:6, Revelation 12:14, Isaiah 30, Joshua 6, Daniel 12 and others that concern me directly. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. If not when God sends a prophet on earth, it is to say something new that the world does not know. That is why the prophet messenger is the light of the world in his time.

61 That is why the midnight Cry comes to say that Louis Segond, King James, Scofield, Thompson bibles … are books of fetishes. The midnight Cry comes to say that the spirit that animates each Catholic, protestant, evangelical and Branhamist church including missions and ministries and all those who follow William Branham’s Message even in its purity are spirits of demon.

62 The midnight Cry comes to fulfill Matthew 25:6. The midnight Cry comes to fulfill Revelation 12:14. The midnight Cry comes to interpret the unknown tongue. The midnight Cry comes to reveal what is the war of Armagedon. The midnight Cry comes to reveal Genesis 7. The midnight Cry comes to announce the Visitation of God to the Ishmaelites and what it will consist in.

63 The midnight Cry comes to say that all the prophets outside prophet Kacou Philippe are instruments of Satan. The midnight Cry comes to say that we are at midnight. The midnight Cry comes to say that the water baptism for this hour is that of the restitution. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

64 The midnight Cry does not come to comment on the Psalms or to explain Paul’s epistles. If you had books in the past, no matter how much these books helped you in the faith, burn them simply as we would burn a good talisman that a marabout gave us when we were pagan… …

65 This morning, as we have listened to this preaching, we will pray so that God keeps us. The Bible says in Matthew 25:6 that a Message will come. We know that the New Covenant is the representation of the Old Covenant. But this Message is the restitution of the two Covenants. You see? And the Bible says that the two wings of the great eagle will be given to the woman. The left wing and the right wing. The Old Covenant and the New Covenant. The Old Testament and the New Testament will carry the Church away from the face of the serpent. 

66 It was said in Revelation 18: Come out of her, but to go where? You see? But this time, lastly, this Gospel must carry the children of God, the living Church away from the face of the serpent! What is it? A holy spirit of a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or Branhamist church will never be able to seduce the weakest of us!  [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

67 We will never go and sit in a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or Branhamist church, neither for the marriage nor for the funerals of our father! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. No matter the name of the church that it will take it will not see us before its face! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

68 A King James, Scofield or Louis Segond bible will never seduce us because we know forever that it is a book of fetishes!  We will never go to a vigil or to a convention of a false prophet and the book of a priest or ministry of Ephesians 4:11, that is to say the book of an apostle, church prophet, evangelist or teacher will never be found in our homes. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. 

69 And this time, it is forever because the Bible says that we will be taken away from the face of the serpent. Why? Because God gives us a prophetic Message as a grace in fulfilment of Revelation 12:14 and this Message is the light of the world! And because the keys of the Kingdom are here.

70 [Ed: Brother Philippe and the congregation pray together] …  Now we will be seated and I will make the call after which I will pray and we will close the service. While we are in a spirit of prayer, I will make the call

71 This is not an ordinary preaching that we are delivering here in order to make you feel good, after which you can go and listen to a Baptist pastor or a Pentecostal. It is a Message that comes alone and unique like Noah’s Ark in his time. And he that eats at this table does not eat at another table. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

72 This Message is the manifestation of the Word which is the Lord Jesus Christ in our time. The proof that you would accept the Lord Jesus Christ if you lived in Israel 2000 years ago, is that you accept today him that He has sent! Because he that receives me receives Him that sent me according to what He said in Matthew 10:40! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

73 God gathers his children around the living prophet messenger of their time. That is why the Bible is the book of the books of the prophets. And if God has to gather his children who are on earth here, He will always gather them around a living prophet messenger.

74 The sons of the devil are divided in churches, to be burnt according to Matthew 13:24 to 30, but we children of God, we must be gathered at only one place around the living prophet of our time before being gathered with Him in Heaven. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. We must have the same spirit, speak the same language, have the same shepherd as is appropriate to the children of God. And that is what God did at all times.

75 When there is no Prophet on earth, the faith of the children of God is shared among the disciples of such and such an old prophet. Between Pharisees, Sadducees, Hellenists, Zealots, Herodians, Essenes… but when God sends a prophet in their time, then all the children of God who are divided and scattered in the churches come, gather around the Message of this Prophet. There is an exodus. Those who are of God get out of the synagogues to gather around the Message of the hour, that is to say, a Message brought by a prophet still alive on earth.

76 If all the Christianity is gathered around the Bible which is the whole of the books of the prophets, it is because God gathers his people only around the living prophet messenger. If you are of God, it is not a historical faith that you must have to be saved, but it is to accept the Message of your time, that is to say, a Message brought by the living prophet of your time. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

77 And if somebody is here, this morning, for the first or second time, the occasion is given to him to simply raise his hand and say, "I believe that prophet Kacou Philippe is the one that God has sent in our generation as Noah, by whom we must be saved ".

78 Is there anybody who wants to accept?... Brother, God bless you over there! Brother, God bless you! God bless you, Brother! Sister God bless you over there! May God bless you. Thank you! May God bless you!

79 Now, I would like to ask you something special.  If you would come in the front, and we will pray for you, leave the rows and come… all those that you see in the room and outside under the tent, it is not that they are strong, but it is with the help and grace of God that we follow this Message! Narrow the door is, tightened the way is but with the help and grace of God, we can.

80 In the old days, they came out from amongst the Pharisees, Sadducees, Hellenists, Herodians, to come to the Lord Jesus. And today, they are coming out from amongst the Catholics, Protestants, evangelicals and Branhamists to come to the one the Lord Jesus Christ has sent in this generation.

81 They will come from everywhere, from all the continents, they will come from all the races of the earth to this Message that the Lord Jesus Christ gave on April 24, 1993. It is impossible for it not to be thus because it’s God Himself who sent his angel on April 24, 1993, to fulfill that. And that will be fulfilled on earth. He that has ears to hear let him hear.