Kacou 72 : Instructions on Evangelisation

(Preached On Thursday, May 08, 2008 in Anyama, near Abidjan-Ivory Coast)

1 I would like to give instructions on evangelisation but let me talk about certain things! [Ed: the congregation says: Amen!].

2 For those who do not understand what I say concerning William Branham, know that I believe entirely that William Branham is a true prophet sent by the Almighty God according to Malachi 4 and Revelation 10:7 and that even his words are as valuable as those of the prophets of the Bible but I do not believe that, even ten years after his death, only one of all those who followed him can bring only one soul to Salvation. His message was for a time and that time is past, more than 40 years ago. [Ed.: The congregation says: “Amen!”].

3 As for the thousands of brochures distributed all over the world from Europe, I think that it simply aimed to prepare the platform for the glorious ministry under the tent and through that, the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ as he himself announced it in The Seven Seal. You see?

4 When William Branham died, it was Tommy Osborn, one who never believed and followed William Branham, that the Branhamists put before them and on April 11, 1966, at William Branham's funeral service, it was Tommy Osborn who preached. All those Billy Paul, Lee Vayle, Joseph Coleman, Perry Green, Orman Neville and Ewald Frank were there when Tommy Osborn was preaching and giving them instructions and directives.

5 So much so that after William Branham, if Tommy Osborn wanted, he could take the lead of all the Branhamism and even let his wife Daisy preach at the Branham Tabernacle! None of all these evangelical churches that William Branham condemned can allow a Catholic priest or even the pope of Rome to come and preach at the funeral service of their president. Never!

6 Tommy Osborn has been married to Daisy since 1942 and it is even the vision of his wife that he preaches. And that, none of all those that I have named ignores it. You understand now that the two major Branhamist trends are like the two sides of the same coin! [Ed.: the congregation says: Amen!].

7 Last Sunday, May 4, 2008, we baptised the Branhamist assembly of Dabou. Not long ago, we baptised another Branhamist assembly not far from them. An assembly that was under the direction of Ewald Frank. Even the Branhamist assemblies who resist are broken cisterns because people come to us from there. Oh glorious Message! Precious light of the nations! The Sanballats and the Tobijahs are powerless because it is a light coming from Heaven and no one can stop it. [Ed: the congregation says, “Amen!”].

8 Like Adam, God gave me the power to name animals in this generation. God brought an animal before me and I called it lion and it became its name. I said to the Protestants: you are rams and it became their name. I said to the evangelicals: you are goats and it became their name, unless they repent. If you are a Catholic, you are an animal and that is why you cannot believe in the living prophet of your time. If you are a Protestant, you are an animal and that is why you cannot believe in the living prophet of your time. If you are an evangelical, you are a goat and that’s why you cannot believe in the living prophet of your time. If you are a Branhamist, you are the nameless animal of Daniel and that is why you cannot believe in the living prophet of your time. You are animals of different species but the Power of God will make that one day, you will get along and gather together. [Ed: the congregation says: Amen!].

9 To finish and come to the instructions on evangelisation, I would like to leave a portion of the letter that Alexis Barilier had sent to Ewald Frank in 2006 to the meditation of the Branhamists. I read that. It is Alexis Barilier addressing Ewald Frank now: "… If Brother Branham's preachings that we received were to awake us, we would be awoken long ago. Notice that I also put myself on the same rank as you, for I have always tried to bring only words inspired from the Bible, and it is very clear that neither my preachings nor yours could prevent the virgins from falling asleep. Our heavenly Father knew it and that is why He spoke of a Cry which should wake up the virgins, not in the seventh watch, which is the last one, in which the Spirit and the Bride who is ready can say: Come! But, indeed, at midnight because the virgins have stopped moving forward...

10 Now the question is to know if we are conscious that all the virgins fell asleep, with us included, and that it happened after the virgins had answered the call of the Message brought by Brother Branham. Are we conscious that if all of our preachings could not prevent the virgins from falling asleep, these will not, indeed, be able to wake them up, but that the Lord promised to awake not only the wise virgins, but also the foolish virgins, by a Cry at midnight …… A Cry is also a Message, for it may be a Cry that expresses a Message of joy or distress, or a Message of call to wake up and of reprehension, as in the case of Matthew 25:6 to 7.

11 The Message entrusted to Brother Branham must get the Bride ready for the Bridegroom’s marriage. But if the virgins are sleeping, how can they get ready, how can they fulfill Revelation 19:7 to 8 and clothe with the righteous works of the saints which are given her to clothe? What we really need today is to be awoken by the Cry promised at midnight. Would it be then possible that the Lord Jesus uses someone else other than Ewald Frank or Alexis Barilier to wake up the virgins? Yes, certainly! ". Amen!

12 Those are the words that Alexis Barilier had addressed to Ewald Frank. And if a Branhamist can understand, let him understand. For if despite the powerful Message of William Branham, all the virgins fell asleep including Ewald Frank and Alexis Barilier, it is obvious that he who is to awake those virgins comes from somewhere else. And on April 24, 1993, God raised up, from somewhere, a prophet like the prophets of the Bible to wake up the Bride. [Ed.: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

13 Well, I come to the instructions. There are several countries which are on the list of the countries where the Message is already present. But no matter the country where you are when you discover this Message, you have the responsibility and the obligation before God, according to Ezekiel 33, to make this Message known around you. Your relatives must know this Message; your acquaintances must know this Message; everybody must know this Message. Even if they have to reject you, but they must know this Message. [Ed: the congregation say, “Amen!”].

14 With wisdom and meekness, you must make this Message known all around you. You are not responsible for people’s reactions but you are responsible for making them hear that. Even if you are a woman, you have a responsibility. Like Mary Magdalene, Elizabeth, Susanna and the women who were around the Lord Jesus Christ, you have the Words of eternal Life for your generation in your hands and you must do so that everyone hears it around you. You Sisters, you can testify and explain the Message around you. You should know that all the capacity that God has given you is for Salvation.

15 If you are rich, it is for Salvation. Everything will perish on the earth but what you have done for Heaven will never perish. [Ed: The congregation says: “Amen!”]. Build buildings, buy beautiful cars but all this is only madness before God. But what matters iswhat you did for the elect to be saved in your generation. [Ed: The congregation says: “Amen!”].

16 You must read and listen to every preaching and according to the faith of the one in front of you, you know which preaching to give him and God will look after the rest. You are not responsible for his reaction, he is not obliged to believe but you have the obligation to let him discover this Truth. And at the judgment, he will not say he did not hear the name of Prophet Kacou Philippe on earth. And he that has ears to hear, let him hear.

Similar chapters: Kc.15, Kc.16 and Kc.108