1 ... It's a right for the whole world to know about the midnight Cry! The midnight Cry is a gift from God to every inhabitant of the earth so that even if they do not come here, they may not let people lay their hands on them here and there, to receive demons through the transfer of spirits! You see? The midnight Cry is the right to see according to Revelation 3:18. Even if somebody does not believe because that has not been given to him from Heaven, it is nevertheless his right to know about the midnight Cry! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
2 Well. As for engagements, when a Brother is independent and provides for himself and has at least seven months of conversion in the Message, if he has seen a Sister and wishes to get married, he will go to his pastor to check whether the Sister is free, then, if she is free and if the pastor agrees, he will propose to the Sister. If the Sister accepts his proposal, both will come and let the pastor know about it. If the pastor does not see any harm in it then they have one week for mutual confession, each confessing his past to the other, after that, they will come back to confirm their desire to live together or not. And if they are willing to live together, the pastor will announce it at the next service!
3 If seven months after the announcement or presentation of the engagement the marriage has not taken place, the pastor will renew the engagement even in the absence of one of them and if after seven months again the marriage has not taken place, the pastor can announce their separation even in the absence of one of them!
4 The meetings of the fiancés must be in plain sight. That's it! And a Brother can propose to a Sister who is in another assembly or in another country. But I want to specify that an important thing concealed expressly during the mutual confession can cancel or call the union into question.
5 Now I’m going to quickly answer three questions ... The first question is: "Brother Philippe, when can we be baptized with the Holy Spirit"? When you receive the Message of your time, you can receive, with or without sensation, the baptism of the Holy Spirit which is the Spirit of the Message. This takes place in your soul or in your spirit and you produce the fruits of the Message. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
6 The second question is: "Brother Philippe, you speak of the woman who had the flux of blood that did not fall, but we also see in Luke 9: 37 to 43 an epileptic who fell!" Okay but don’t you know that epilepsy causes to fall? Before this epileptic arrived before the Lord Jesus, didn’t he already fall?
7 And in Mark 5, was it the power of God that stripped off that madman or the demons of madness that did that? You see? It may happen that someone falls and during my ministry, I am not saying that nobody ever fell in front of me but when they want to make us believe that those diabolical anointings that make people fall or spew at those vigils are of God, I say: no! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
8 Tonight, I just want to talk about the seven mountains of Revelation 17. If anyone has given this revelation somewhere, I do not know! And if God permits, I will talk about several other elements of Revelation but this evening, I just want to speak about these seven mountains which are the seven heads. I will not have time to go and show all that in the Old Testament and throughout history but God will allow us to grasp what it is! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
9 Not long ago, a Branhamist wrote me saying that there will be no more prophets, I said to him: Sir, know that the Midnight Cry is only addressed to eagles, that is to say, to the elect. And we do not ask a crow to become an eagle or a crab to become fish! And it is already decreed in Heaven that I shall walk on the lands of Africa and the whole world to announce the Midnight Cry without me having to associate or collaborate with anyone! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. I said: How can a Lutheran believe that after Martin Luther there will be a messenger when there must be a forsaken Lutheran who must produce and maintain a Lutheran posterity forever? How can a Methodist believe that after John Wesley there will be a prophet messenger when there is to be a Methodist prostitute that must produce and entertain a Methodist posterity forever?
10 And how can you Branhamists, believe that after William Branham there will be a prophet messenger when you are called to be the nameless beast of Daniel 7 and the prostitute of mixed race in the vision of April 24, 1993?
11 Well. I now speak of these seven mountains of Revelation 17 from the fact that Muslims, Catholics, Protestants, evangelicals and Branhamists never believed that God may send a prophet messenger on earth again!
12 I’m going to read Revelation 17: 1 to 3: “And one of the seven Angels, which had the seven bowls, came and spoke with me, saying, Come here, I will shew thee the sentence of the great harlot who sits upon the many waters; with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication; and they that dwell on the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. And he carried me away in spirit to a desert; and I saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.”
13 Very well, Matthew 25: 6 is a mystery and none of those who are out of the revelation can understand that. If you are out of the revelation, it is madness for you! But as for those who are inside, it is wisdom! You see? When Jesus Christ finished his ministry, the sons of the devil said, "That is the apotheosis! It's over! It's locked up! There will be no more prophets! "They had not yet finished propagating that and God sent Paul! They said to Paul, " God having spoken in many parts and in many ways formerly to the fathers in the prophets, at the end of these days has spoken to us in the person of the son! It's finished! The Bible is locked up, the one that all the prophets announced has come, it's over! The sacrifice is made, the veil of the temple is torn! We no longer need any mediator; the last messenger is Jesus! He's the Omega, it's over! "
14 Judaism sees only one man, Moses, the man who laid the foundations of Judaism. Christianity sees only one man, Jesus Christ man, the man who laid the foundations of Christianity. But while saying that, they quote Corinthians, Romans, Galatians ... Revelation. Books that were written after the Lord Jesus Christ. You see?
15 When Paul showed them Isaiah 49: 6, they said, "No, Paul! This verse speaks about Jesus! The light of the nations is Jesus!" You see? And they mocked Timothy, Titus, Sylvanus... saying, "You are disciples of a man; as for us, we are disciples of Jesus! You are mandated and led by Paul, a man; we are led by Jesus! We cannot believe in a man!" The same people who said yesterday that they were disciples of Moses, were saying now: "We are disciples of Jesus!" And many of those who believed in the upper room during the outpouring of the Holy Spirit were only sons of the devil! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
16 When Paul was telling them that his letters and epistles were to be read in the synagogues, that offended them! The fact of saying that there will be no more messengers even if there is any, is the most solid basis of the Catholic demon.
17 And recently, I asked an old Branhamist: Sir, if you understand through the Bible that there shall no more rain on earth and in the following day it starts raining, then is it the Bible that has told a lie or is it your understanding of the Bible that is wrong? He could not answer! You see? Sadducees had said that there is no resurrection anymore, while there is! Others say that there is no more divine Healing while there is! And that is what shows that there is a mystery in that old behaviour.
18 According to your understanding, there will be no more prophets and what if somebody rises with a call and commission of a prophet with a prophetic Message, the whole thing in accordance with the Bible and the prophets of the Bible, is it then the Bible that has told a lie or is it your understanding of the Bible that is wrong? It is a mystery, they have to behave this way! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
19 And when Paul died, his disciples acted and behaved exactly as these saying that after Paul there was no more messengers and they later on became the Paulicians. You see?
20 Paul as a messenger had aroused a pure wise virgin for Christ, but the Paulicians were there, rejected by God! Those Paulicians were under the wings of Christ, with Christ’s imprint, led by the God of Paul, but when Paul died, they said, "Paul is the last messenger, it’s over! There will be no more messengers."
21 It was not that these Paulicians had not understood Paul’s Message, but they had to behave that way! You see? It was impossible for them not to behave that way! If the Paulicians had not behaved that way, they would all believe in Irenaeus and there would be no Paulicians! And even those of Irenaeus would all believe in Colomban ... And there would be no Lutherans, Zwinglians, Methodists, Calvinists and Branhamists today!
22 It is a demon as old as the world. "After Jesus, there are no more prophets! After Paul, there are no prophets! After Mohammed, there are no more prophets! After Branham, there are no more prophets! …" You see? It is a demon as old as the world. You understand why I tell you to stay away when Muslims and those ones are debating? Either they are right, or they are all wrong! But we, sons of God, believe that there will always be prophet messengers on earth until the Lord Jesus Christ comes! And even on the day of the rapture, there will be a prophet messenger on earth! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
23 You Catholics, Protestants, evangelicals and Branhamists and members of Islam and Judaism, your gods are dead or sleeping or are in deep comas but our God is still speaking! And if there are children of God on earth and that God in Heaven is alive, there will always be some living prophet messengers on earth! Because the living prophet messenger is the mouth of God to speak to His children! And as long as our God is alive and speaking, there will be some living prophets! Because the prophet is the mouth and spokesman of God on earth! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
24 Now, observe another thing ... Israel means "married to God", God’s wife and God Himself said that even if a woman can forget her sucking child that she should not have compassion on the fruit of her womb, He, God, will never forget Israel graven in the palm of His hand! And how does it come that God takes a Bride from the nations while Israel is there? How does it come that God takes a Methodist while Lutherans are there? How does it come that God takes a Branhamist while Methodists are there? You understand that God is not and has never been polygamous! It is a matter of understanding what the Message of restitution is! You see? [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
25 In Joshua 6, on the seventh day, when the priests repeated the seven sounds, actually that was not an eighth age! When Naaman threw himself seven times into the Jordan, it was no more no less but a baptism of restitution! You see?
26 We have got to it now! Let’s consider Revelation 17, the mark of the beast, the spirit of Catholicism, the three unclean spirits as frogs bear seven heads and ten horns. What are these seven heads? These seven heads are seven images, seven aspects, seven identifications of the Catholic church. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]
27 We can see the image of the true Church through the seven lamps of the candlestick which are the seven ages and we can see the image of the beast through these seven heads. These seven heads are physically represented by seven historical mountains in Rome! The age of Ephesus, one mountain and one head! The age of Smyrna, one mountain and one head!
28 The age of Pergamos, one mountain and one head! The age of Thyatira, one mountain and one head! The age of Sardis, one mountain and one head! The age of Philadelphia, one mountain and one head! The age of Laodicea, one mountain and one head! What makes seven mountains, seven heads so seven images and seven forms of the Roman Catholic church! You see? [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. The seven mountains of the Vatican!
29 And according to the revelation which is granted to us this evening and according to Revelation 16:13, the whole of Christianity as a religion is in the spirit of Roman Catholicism. They are seven metamorphoses of Catholicism, seven identifications of Catholicism. Another picture could show Revelation 17 in the form of seven mountains with a prostitute sitting on each mountain and on the seventh mountain an enchanting mixed-race Branhamist! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. And in the eyes of God, all the churches of the earth are grouped into seven families having each an identity, the spirit of Catholicism!
30 William Branham could not know that because he had been given to him to reveal only the mystery of the beast but not the mystery of his image because his wild posterity would be part of it! As he was a prophet, he saw that in the form of a white stone! He heard that but in the form of an unknown tongue! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
31 The Vatican is represented in almost every nation on earth by apostolic nuncios! The Bible says that it is the small city which has kingship over the inhabitants of the earth! It has kingship over everything on earth: politics, economics, religions with Christianity ranked first!
32 Of all the religions, Christianity is the most satanic religion compared to Islam, Buddhism and others! And it is because of this that the old Roman paganism could find its colouration in it! Of all the mystical orders, Christianity is the most satanic compared to the Freemasons, Rosicrucianism and others! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
33 When God finishes a work with a messenger, the devil takes that work because the seven mountains of Rome show that God gave him this right before the foundation of the world! Apart from what God is doing, if you preach all the truth, then you are an angel of light or a minister of justice in the hands of Satan! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
34 The Bible talks of four living beings in Heaven that have their representation in perdition! You remember the four beasts and the four empires of the nations in the hands of Satan! Ezekiel and Zechariah could see four horses there and John could see four horses on this side in the hands of Satan!
35 And in the revelation, you saw that four living creatures manifested the seven spirits of God and the seven Church ages. Beginning with the lion, the spirit of the first age up to the eagle! Since there are four living creatures, there should be four church ages, four heavenly angels and four messengers on earth! Exactly as the Branhamists wish that there be seven, only seven messengers on earth because there are seven heavenly angels! But this is not possible because every heavenly angel will raise up many messengers on earth, several prophets on earth. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
36 Well. all Rome is the body of the Vatican. And Rome is the Vatican as the whole earth is the Vatican and the throne of the pope is the throne of all kingships of the earth as Revelation 17 shows it. In pagan Rome, a significant cult was celebrated upon each of these seven Hills! In the Roman paganism, each hill was dedicated to a great god! You see?
37 Just as on the carnal level the seven mountains which are: The Capitoline, the Palatine, Caelian, Esquiline, Aventine, Quirinal and Viminal are inside the Vatican City; this is how spiritually, the seven mountains of the seven Church ages are inside the Roman Catholicism with the same Catholic conceptions, images and reasonings! It is all Christianity that is represented in Rome! Seven groups of nations in Heaven, in Abraham’s bosom! Seven groups on earth in the bosom of the Pope of Rome! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
38 All the churches of the earth are in the bosom of the Pope of Rome. All these so-called sanctifications in these Catholic, Protestant, evangelical, and Branhamist churches, including Islam and Judaism, are only purgatories!
39 When a messenger of God leaves the earth and the door is shut here, he goes with his group to the heavenly dimension, in Heaven, whereas on earth the devil seizes his wild posterity and makes it believe that there will be no more prophet messengers on earth, then fashions it to his taste to put it in the spirit of its mother, the Roman Catholic Church! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
40 These seven are the seven antichrist spirits. And God put in the heart of the sons of the devil not to progress in order to fulfill Revelation 17 and to reveal the seven spirits! Thus, there are seven Spirits of God in Heaven and seven spirits of the devil on earth. A Christ in Heaven with seven stars, an antichrist on earth with seven mountains in his right hand. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
41 Well. What does Daniel 2:44 say: "And in the days of these kings shall the God of the Heavens set up a Kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the sovereignty thereof shall not be left to another people: it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, but itself shall stand for ever." Why is this prophecy fulfilled? It is fulfilling because we are the people that believe in the living prophet. We are the people that believe that there have been and there will be prophets like those of the Bible with Messages until rapture comes!
42 And since we have this good intention and we want to believe in God and listen to God through his living prophets, when there is a prophet on earth, God will make us recognize him! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. If tens of Branhamist assemblies believe entirely in the midnight Cry in spite of what the Bible says about them, the assemblies of the Midnight Cry and the sons of God will believe every time God sends a prophet on earth! Because it is a new Spirit that has started to blow on the earth since 2002!
43 Last Sunday, for example, Pastor Djoué Pascal who was from the evening time got baptized. It is another assembly that passes from the evening time to midnight! In such a short time, about thirty churches have believed the Midnight Cry with their pastors! A whole church that believes, it is more than a miracle! You see? [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
44 And if I raised a dead man, there would not be as much joy in Heaven. We can see that only at the beginning of Christianity. No man of God, no messenger, no prophet did that. That occurred in none of the Ages! We do not only baptize politicians, drunkards and smokers, but we baptize pastors, evangelists, apostles, teachers and prophets without any exception. Only God can do that! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
45 And although I am alive, the littlest among us knows what a prophet is and knows that the Word of God comes only to the prophet and if the Lord tarries, after me, there will be prophets. And you will recognize them. It is a new Spirit! From the Catholic mom to the Branhamists, that never existed! That could not exist because the Branhamists were to become the fourth beast of Daniel and the seventh mountain of Revelation 17.
46 When God was creating Lucifer, He knew that he would be Satan! When God was creating Cain and Judas Iscariote, He knew that they would be what they are! And when God was creating those pious Catholics, Protestants, evangelicals and Branhamists, He knew that they would do what they are doing! And in order to fulfill the prophecy, He has put an anointing similar to the Holy Spirit upon them and He gave a rough interpretation of certain mysteries like the seven heads of Revelation 17, placing seven mountains there as a physical type inside the Vatican City so that they would not seek to know what it is until they fulfill what the Bible said they will do! Amen! God is sovereign and He is free to do that.
47 We can stand now for prayer!