Kacou 84 : The manifestation of the two seeds

(Preached on Thursday evening, February 05, 2009 in Anyama, near Abidjan – Ivory Coast)

1 … We know that there are two seeds on the earth! A seed of God through Adam then Abel and a seed of the devil through the serpent then Cain, and that's what I want to talk about this evening. But to begin with, I would like to say that if a Sister insults or says an offensive word to her child, you must call her out to order on the fact that the Message prohibits that. If she persists, the elders must hear her! It is an act of insubordination.

2 Now bear in mind that when God decides to send a prophet on earth, it’s because there is no more truth on the earth. A prophet of God descends on earth when the whole world and all the churches become respectively Sodom and Egypt. And this prophet comes as the Kingdom of God and the only source of Salvation in his generation. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

3 This evening, I want to talk a little about the manifestation of the two seeds on the earth. A seed of God and a seed of the devil. But first, in Christianity, we see Matthew with the lions of faith moving forward in power to impose Christianity throughout the earth. Then comes the Gospel according to Mark with the period of the lamb when sixty-eight million Christians were killed. After that, it is the book of Luke, Salvation goes from the man’s mind to the Pentecostal faith! And finally, the book of John, the prophetic faith, the age of the eagle! And all that is the manifestation of the true faith through the sons of God, saints from generation to generation, that is, those who have believed and who have been living according to the Gospel of their time! They didn’t believe in the dead but in living people as it is written in Roman 16:15. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

4 But before I get into the subject, I have to answer a question here… The question is: "Brother Philippe, is it true that in one of your interventions, you said that Billy Paul Branham will be saved"? I had thought that he could be saved, him and Joseph Branham. But the faith being progressive, in the end, I realised that they cannot be saved because it is the time of the midnight Cry and they must believe in the living prophet of their time to be saved. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

5 God is sovereign and can bring Meda to her bridegroom, William Branham. But if you have lived until the time of the manifestation of the prophet that comes after William Branham you must believe in that living prophet to get eternal Life. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

6 And talking of Meda, when the chief of my village died, during the building of his grave, because of the great quantity of materials, twin graves were built! One for him and the other for his wife who was still alive! And over time, a new place was designated as the new cemetery and all those who died, including the chief’s children were buried at the new cemetery! And over time, when the chief’s wife died, she was gathered with her husband, in the grave that had been prepared for her in the old cemetery! You see?

7 But, to say that Billy Paul and Joseph Branham will be gathered with William Branham while there is a living prophet today, that is not possible. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. Apollos was like the son of John the Baptist but in Paul's time, he believed in Paul! And Paul re-baptized him in Acts chapter 19. And if you are the son of a prophet while this prophet is dead and there is another prophet who has come after him, you should believe in this prophet who came after him and receive a new baptism to be saved.

8 Well. I want to talk about the manifestation of the two seeds! But as a reminder, I want to say to the people newly converted: … that Isaiah, the prophet had announced and said what the ministry of John the Baptist would be but you had to be of the seed of God to recognize John the Baptist! Just as John the Baptist was a forerunner of a ministry, thus, William Branham’s ministry prepared the way for the midnight Cry. William Branham was sent as a forerunner of my ministry! But you need to have the faith and the spirit and the intelligence of the vision to discern and accept each of these stages!

9 In The Seventh Seal on page 31, William Branham whose Message we use as a foundation said, "And I looked, and there was a little box-like, little place over in the side. And I seen that light was talking to somebody above me. That light that you see there on the picture". Any Word-seed among Branhamists will then expect another ministry after William Branham!

10 And when William Branham says, "… And in the Sabino Canyon, He said, " This is the third Pull " and there’s three great things that goes with it, and one unfolded today, or yesterday, the other one unfolded today, but there’s one thing that I cannot interpret, because it’s in an unknown  language. But I was standing right there and looked straight at it, and this is the third Pull coming up".

11 As that was the case of John the Baptist, it is still the confirmation of a greater ministry coming up after him! John the Baptist said, "The thong of Whose Sandals I am not fit to unloose;"! Further on, John says, "He must increase, but I must decrease"!

12 And William Branham also says further on, still in The Seventh Seal, "… I don’t know what is going to ― what’s going to take place. I do not know. I just know that those seven thunders holds that mystery, that Heavens was quieted. (Everybody understand?) It may be time. It may be the hour now, that this great person we’re expecting to rise on the scene may rise on the scene. Maybe this ministry that I have tried to take people back to the Word has laid a foundation; if it has, I’ll be leaving you for good. There won’t be two of us the same time. See? If it is, he will increase, I’ll decrease… " [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. Now according to you, Branhamists, are these passages about Jesus Christ coming for the rapture or for another ministry on earth?

13 John the Baptist had been sent down over there as a forerunner to prepare the way to a ministry and on this side, William Branham’s Message was also sent to prepare the way for a prophet coming after him. And to make it clearer, William Branham said in 1963, "And see, if it's three minutes, less than three minutes of his coming. See, that'd be thirty years, about, to us, or something on that order" and 1963 plus thirty years, that makes 1993 and on April 24, 1993, He came down for the Interpretation of the unknown tongue of the Sabino Canyon. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

14 And talking about the midnight Cry, William Branham says in "The Uniting time and sign ", "…Let's get ready for this midnight Cry. It's coming in a hour when you think not. There'll be a Cry, not amongst the unbelieving world; it'll be a secret ".  Exactly as in 1 Kings 19, a Gentle, Subtle and secret voice, at the time of the great evangelical jolts! And any seed of God will discern that! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

15 Now, talking about fasts and prayers, the great power of Salvation cannot be in fasts and prayers otherwise Pentecostals and evangelicals would complete the plan of Salvation and would all be raptured! And it would be Luke, the Pentecostal who would write the book of Revelation! And it would be the Revelation according to Luke and that book of Revelation according to Luke would only talk of celestial twinkles and glares! A book of Revelation more glorious in miracles than his Gospel.

16 Luke, in place of John, would fall to his knees before each Angel in each chapter of Revelation except for Revelation 19:10! You see? In Revelation 18:1 when he would see how bright that powerful Angel was, he would bow down! In Revelation 10:1, when that Angel would come down, setting his right foot on the sea and his left upon the earth, Luke would bow down! He would bow down in the Ohio River in 1933! And it is right because it was in the Pentecostal age. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

17 And I tell you that before the foundation of the world when it was given to Matthew, Mark, Luke and to John to experience the Revelation, they failed except John in virtue of the prophetic Word which is the supreme and inimitable sign of God’s revelation, the unique capable of manifesting the seeds of God and the seeds of the devil! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

18 There have always been two seeds on the earth. When Moses died and Joshua was standing there, the sons of Israel were saying the prophet is Moses, our prophet is Moses, Moses is not dead, Moses has revealed it all, Moses has written it all, there is no more room for another prophet! But the seed of God had as Absolute, the living prophet Joshua.

19 And after that, there rose another prophet again, Prophet Elijah. And when Prophet Elijah left the earth, there was the manifestation of the two seeds, the sons of the devil were standing there and saying that our prophet is Elijah. Elijah is not dead, he has been raptured, he is still present. But the seed of God had as Absolute, the living prophet Elisha. And it is the same thing today.

20 The two seeds have always been manifested on earth. If one can believe a dead prophet to be saved then Christianity is false. This is not possible! This is simply the manifestation of the seed of the devil. As long as the rapture has not yet happened, there will always be a living prophet on earth for each generation. As long as there will be children of God on earth, there will always be a living prophet on earth to lead them. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

21 In Revelation 22, it is written, "And he said to me, These Words are faithful and true; and the Lord God of the Spirits of the prophets has sent his Angel to shew to his Bondmen the things which must soon come to pass... And when I heard and saw, I fell down to do homage before the feet of the Angel who shewed me these things." And this Angel and these Words of Revelation 22 are the same as in Exodus 23! You see?

22 Through the book of John, the Lord Jesus Christ appears as the maestro of the Word! Not as he who can manipulate the Word like a Greek philosopher but as Him from whom proceed the Revealed truths that Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist preachers manipulate! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

23 As a disciple and an Apostle of Jesus, John is the one who knows the Lord Jesus as the Word made flesh! He begins his Gospel with…  "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. … And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us".

24 John was present at all the important events like that of the transfiguration with Elijah and Moses! The Bible says that John was the disciple Jesus loved and one does not hide his secrets from him that he loves! So, from among the Apostles and the disciples, if somebody knew the Lord Jesus better, it was Apostle John and it was that John who was on the island Patmos! Read the Gospel according to John, he did not pay much attention to Jesus’ miracles! You see? It was the dispensation of the Word. There were four dispensations of the Word!

25 If you were in Mark’s time, you would glorify God before the sword and fire and Roman broadsword because the saints’ faith in that time showed that He was the Lamb of God. You would never say, "Why are we killed while in 2 Kings 1, the God of Elijah sent Fire down from Heaven against Ahaziah’s fifties"? You would not say, "Why do wild boars and wild animals tear us in pieces while the God of Daniel shuts lions’ mouth"?  "Why are millions among us being devoured by the stake while in Daniel 3, it appears that the God of Meshach, Shadrach and Abed-Nego has power over fire"?

26 But Brethren, instead of that, they did move ahead before flames, swords, animals and broadswords with songs of triumph in virtue of the saints’ faith and Spirit of their time because they were the seeds of God. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. And history reports that more than sixty-eight million Christians were killed during that period!

27 And if you were of the time of the Pentecostal Luke, you would see Jesus Christ only through miracles so much so that you would take any evangelical preacher for a servant of God today! You would bow before William Branham, would baptise in his name and you would take Tommy Osborn, Morris Cerullo, Reinhard Bonnké and Benny Hinn for servants of God! You see? It was the saints’ dispensation at that time! And if somebody was performing some miracles, be it by God or the devil, provided that he performed extraordinary miracles, whether he had a call and commission or not, he was called a servant of God!

28 And in the vision of April 24, 1993, I do not know why I had seen that Branhamist prostitute under the form of a mixed-race woman! But do observe and you will see a double colouration within Branhamism: a Pentecostal seed and a Word-seed! In the faith, in the tendencies, in the behaviours and others, Branhamists have a double colouration!

29 Out of twenty Branhamists that I met at the beginning of the midnight Cry, eighteen related with precision each miracle by William Branham and were saying, "What unknown tongue"? They knew nothing about the unknown tongue! And yet they were relating each miracle by William Branham. Physically, that mixed-race nature is the impact of the Pentecostal imprints!

30 And as I am speaking to you, this Word-seed is here in the midnight Cry. She was there, walking up-and-down, waiting for something before the midnight Cry! She did not know what but she was waiting for something! She did not know from where and how that would come up, she did not know but she was waiting for It! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

31 And if you are a seed of God in this generation, you will fulfill Revelation 19:10 and you will behave differently! Because someone can be blind or paralytic and go to Heaven and a healthy man can go to hell! Even somebody resurrected can die and go to hell but a soul that is set free by the promises of his time will never die! You see?

32 People are possessed by demons, having two or three dreams per night. They are in the fifth dimension; they are potentially in hell while they fast and pray constantly and can however recite to you each quote by William Branham! They are clean, well dressed but they are demons! They can quote each portion of the Bible with their punctuations to you and wake up every morning with night defilements, defiled by their seed of copulation! And despite that, they are looking for sensations instead of looking for the living prophet of their time for Salvation. The seed of the devil seeks sensations whereas the seed of God seeks the Word because she was created by the Word. She is the Word-seed and the Word of her time is echoed in her heart, the deep calleth the deep. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

33 May God bless you today and forever, may God bless you! We can stand up for the prayer…

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