Kacou 90 : The Anticipated Vision

(Preached on Thursday evening, October 29, 2009, and then in 2010 in Anyama, near Abidjan– Ivory Coast)

1 … This morning, I am going to talk about the subject, the anticipated vision to show that every prophet messenger is gathered to his people. Through an ecstasy, William Branham saw that. William Branham says, "He also let me see my people not long ago in white robes. I woke up one morning, and I raised up, and I said, “Sweetheart,” to my wife. She didn’t move. The kids about... I had to get up and take them to school. And all at once something happened, and I felt myself leaving. And I thought, “I’ve already died, and I’m gone on.” See?

2 And I got to a place; I thought, “I believe I’ll look back.” It was just as real, friends, as I’m standing right here. See? And I turned around to look back, and there I was laying on the bed. I was stretched out, laying by the side of my wife. I thought, “Well, it’s probably a heart attack.” See? I thought, “Well, see, I just died instantly,” I looked, and I thought, “Well, now that’s strange, there I lay right there, and here I stand here.”

3 So I turned, and it looked like a great spreading field of bluegrass. And I said, “Well, I wonder what this is.” And all of a sudden, as I looked, here come thousands times thousands of young women, all in white robes, hair hanging down to their waist, bare-footed, and they were running right towards me. And I never seen such pretty women and they all come right up to me. And when they run to me. They hugged me, each one, and said, “Our precious Brother.” And one would hug me, and then the other one would hug me. I was standing there looking.

4 And I thought, “Well now, what’s this”? See? I thought, “What’s happened”? I’ve always lived clean; God knows that. When I was a little boy, the Angel of the Lord told me to not defile my body, smoke, or drink, and that’s been truth. By the grace of God, I’ve kept that. When I was a sinner, I didn’t run around with women... But not there, because you don’t have any more different cells. You’ll never sin there.

5 There was a change. There was only brotherly love there for these women. And these were perfect. But no matter how much they would hug me up into their arms (And they were women; you understand.), but there could never be no sin. The male glands and the female glands both was gone. Thank the Lord.

6 They were my Sisters completely. I looked and I looked at my hands. I seen they was all so young, and I looked; I was young, too. And I looked coming, and I seen Hope coming. I thought, “Now, when she gets here, she’ll say, “Bill.” And when she got to me, I thought, “I’m just going to see what she says.” And she looked up at me, and she said, “Oh, our precious Brother.” She hugged me, and she just went on.

7 Some other woman come, hugged me next. And I heard a noise, and looked over this way, and here come a bunch of men, young fellows, all the age of about twenty. They had dark hair and blond hair, and they all had white robes on and bare-footed, and they run to me and begin to hug me and hollering, “Precious Brother.”

8 And just then a voice went to talking to me; I never did see the voice. It said, “You have been gathered, you have been gathered to your people.” Then some man picked me up, set me way upon a big high thing like this. I said, “Why did you do that”? Said, “In earth you was a leader.” And I said, “Well, I don’t understand this,”.

9 And that voice talking to me. (I never could see the voice. Now, It was just above me, talking to me.) I said, “Well, if I have passed on, I want to see Jesus. He was all my life; I want to see Him.” And so, he said, “You can’t see Him now. He’s still higher.” See, not the Seventh where God is, the sixth. And they were all there and they was passing by. Looked like there were actually millions of them. And then a voice said, “You’ve been gathered to your people like Jacob was gathered to his people.”

10 I said, “All these my people? Are all these Branhams”? He said, “No, they’re your Converts to Christ.” And I looked around, and there was a real pretty woman run up. She looked real. They was all about the same. She threw her arm around me, and she said, “Oh, my precious Brother.” She looked at me. I thought, “My, she looked like an Angel.” And she passed by.]

11 And that voice said, “Didn’t you recognize her”? I said, “No, I didn’t recognize” Said, “You led her to Christ when she was past ninety.” Said, “You know why she thinks so much of you”? I said, “That pretty girl was past ninety”? Said, “She can never change no more now.”

12 Said, “That’s the reason she’s saying, “Precious Brother.” The voice spoke to me, "You know, it is written in the Bible, that the prophets were gathered with their people"? I said, "Yes, I remember that in the Scriptures." Then the multitude cried together, "If you hadn't gone forth with the Gospel, we wouldn't be here.".

13 These people are real. They wasn’t going anywhere. They wasn’t tired being there. And I said, “Well, why can’t I see Jesus”? He said, “Well now, He will come someday, and He will come to you first, and then you’ll be judged.” Said, “These people are your Converts, that you’ve led to Christ.”

14 And I said, “You mean by being a leader, that He will judge me?  ”He said, “Yes.” And I said, “Does every leader have to be judged like that”? Said, “Yes.” I said, “What about Paul”?  He said, “He will have to be judged with his.” I said, “if his group goes in, so will mine, ’cause I’ve preached exactly the same Word.” And the millions screamed out, all at once, said, “We’re resting on that.” 

15 And just then I heard a voice and It cried out, said, “When you were alive on the earth, all that you ever loved, and all that ever loved you, God has given to you.”  And I said, “Praise the Lord.” [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

16 William Branham spoke about this Revelation in the preaching: Jezebel Religion which he preached in 1961. He spoke about it in the preaching on The Seven Church Ages, he spoke about it in The revelation of the seven seals in 1963, he spoke about it in the preaching on The ten virgins, he spoke about it in:  The rejected King,  he spoke about it in:  Beyond the Curtain of time,  he spoke about it in  Recognizing your day and its Message, he spoke about it in The sixfold purpose Gabriel’s visit to Daniel, he spoke about it in  Revelation chapter four and several other preachings. Why? Because it’s a revelation of first importance. Each prophet in a generation is gathered to his people. At the judgment, the elect of each generation will find themselves with only one prophet that God had sent on the earth in their time. 

17 In the time of Noah, all the elect will be around only one man, Noah. In the time of Jeremiah, all the elect will be gathered around only one man, Jeremiah. In the time of the Lord Jesus Christ, 2000 years ago, all the elect will be gathered around the twelve Apostles. And they are the twelve Apostles who will judge the earth like also today, all the elect will be gathered around only one man, Prophet Kacou Philippe. And then I, Prophet Kacou Philippe and my apostles, will judge the inhabitants of the earth in our time. Those who lived on the earth when I was alive and preaching on the earth. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

18 Each prophet will be gathered to his lot. And it was said to Daniel, Thou Daniel, and thou shalt rest and raise and shall join thy lot. Noah with his lot, Moses with his lot, each prophet with his lot. The Lord Jesus Christ and the twelve Apostles and all those who believed in Him when He was preaching on the earth.

19 And after the Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostles, Paul and his group, Martin Luther and his group, Colomban and his group, William Branham and his group, John Wesley and his group, those who believed in them when they were alive preaching on the earth. And today, only one group will rise at the judgment, and it will be Prophet Kacou Philippe and his group. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

20 And at the judgment, the whole earth, when it will hear the name of Prophet Kacou Philippe, will know that it is that name that was on the earth and was invoked on the earth when they were alive on the earth. Noah will not judge the generation of Jeremiah. Isaiah will not judge the generation of Amos. John the Baptist will not judge today’s generation. The Apostles and the Lord Jesus Christ will not judge today’s generation. But there is one who will judge this generation, and it is Prophet Kacou Philippe that the Lord Jesus Christ sent according to Matthew 23:34 to 35 on April 24, 1993. The whole Bible says it’s so. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]

21 Each prophet died and was gathered to his people! The patriarchs since Abraham were gathered to their people because they are prophets! Each prophet in his lot. Noah and his lot! Elijah and his lot! John the Baptist and his lot! And after John the Baptist, the Lord Jesus Christ and the twelve Apostles and their lot there.

22 And after the Lord Jesus Christ, Paul came with his lot. And Timothy, Titus, Silvanus are not in the lot of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostles, but in the lot of Paul. And after Paul, several prophets were raised for the nations because He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Yesterday with the prophets of the Old Testament and according to Matthew 23:34 to 35 He promised prophets after Him. And each prophet will come with his lot and at the judgment, each prophet will rise with his lot and will condemn his generation. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

23 And when the Almighty God who had sent me had allowed me to see what I am preaching this evening, it was in an ecstasy on April 24, 1993. Ecstasies are the highest form of revelation. You are conscious and you see natural things, being in the revelation. I had been caught up in the Heavens and I knew that I was in Heaven, very far above the earth.

24 And there was as another earth very far above clouds. I could see various groups, each one in a kingdom which spread over kilometres. Each kingdom had a gate and was separated from the other kingdoms. And I saw them until I see another kingdom which I know to be that of the Methodists. I was not allowed to get closer but I could see from a distance a woman who was a fervent Methodist on earth and I recognized that it was the gate of the Methodist kingdom! 

25 And at the end of the ecstasy, I saw another very white place which I could not have access to either because there was a large chasm all around it! It was a city with a multitude of constellated houses, forming an immense and spreading white mountain. It was covered and surrounded by a faint white Cloud through which one could catch sight of a house which spread over kilometres. I did not see any bluegrass; it was all covered by the Cloud! There were people inside all the other kingdoms that I had seen but there, there was nobody and no bird could fly above! It was the place that had caught my attention and that I observed the most. And when I came out of the ecstasy, I had in mind that it was Paradise, but I did not know really what it was!

26 But less than a month ago, I understood that the Almighty God was showing me there the lot He reserved for me and for my people. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. The Clouds are the Holy Angels who guard this city. And since July 8, 2002, when the midnight Cry sounded on earth, the gates of this Kingdom were opened in the Heavens! And each preaching that is sounding on the earth, they are the names of the saints that are pronounced.

27 And when a chosen one listens to this Message and says, "Halleluiah I believe!" In Heaven God hears, "Halleluiah, it’s my name that is being pronounced." But if you are a son of the devil, you will listen to the whole Message and that will mean nothing to you because your name is not written in this book, the book of Life of your generation since before the foundation of the world. And he that can understand, let him understand!