Kacou 93 : The Saints’ Faith

(Preached on Thursday evening, January 14, 2010, in Anyama near Abidjan - Ivory Coast)

1 Now, I come to my subject the saints’ faith. Every pastor who does not teach prophetic faith must be deposed. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

2 Now, I am going to read Ezekiel chapter 1... well:  "And I looked, and behold, a stormy wind came out of the north, a great Cloud, and a Fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the look of glowing brass, out of the midst of the Fire. Also out of the midst thereof, the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance: they had the likeness of a man. And every one had four faces, and every one of them had four wings. And their feet were straight feet; and the sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf's foot; and they sparkled as the look of burnished brass. And they had the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides; and they four had their faces and their wings... their wings were joined one to another; they turned not when they went; they went every one straight forward. And they went every one straight forward: whither the Spirit was to go, they went; they turned not when they went." Amen!

3 I recently heard a Branhamist preach on this passage. He said: "... My brother, the Bible says that when the four were going, every single of them went straight forward; they did not turn one toward the other! ... My brother, my sister, if you're in church! Never mind the defects of your brother! My sister, do not covet the shoes of your sister! Look before you.” You see? It is this way that this Branhamist understood Ezekiel chapter 1.

4 Now listen to what the prophet of your time says: The lion, the calf, man and the eagle are four different creatures; yet it is one creature with four aspects and each creature walks in perfection. They have the same Spirit, but each of the four creatures will reproduce after its kind! Hence the fruits of the Spirit in such a period will differ from the fruits of such other period! The faith of such an age is not that of such other age. The fruits in such an age will be different from the fruits of the same Spirit of such other age! And the sin of such an age is not that of such other age. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

5 When John the Baptist was preaching, that was the perfect faith which had been transmitted to the saints once for all for the rapture! It was over! But the Lord Jesus Christ and the apostles came after John the Baptist.  And after the Lord Jesus Christ and the apostles, Paul came!

6 And when Paul was preaching, that was the perfect faith for the rapture! And in 1 Thessalonians 4:15 to 18, Paul says it's over! It’s sealed up! But when another messenger appeared, this messenger came as if it was in his time that the faith for the rapture was to be transmitted to the saints once and for all. When John the Baptist was preaching, baptising for repentance, if someone was there saying that his baptism was false and the baptism had to be for remission of sins; no matter how eloquent this man was and how clear his explanation was, it was the devil that inspired him. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

7 And in the 15th century, when Martin Luther was preaching his Message of justification by faith and baptised by aspersion in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, if someone was there saying it was incorrect and that the baptism should be administered in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ by immersion for remission of sins, no matter how clear his explanation based on Acts 2:38 was, it was the devil that inspired him! And you must not stop on the path of such a man. Even if flames of fire appeared over his head and the anointing was twisting him forwards and backwards, it is the devil! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

8 No matter how many dead people he raised from the dead, how many miracles were done by his hands, it was the devil from one end to the other. It is the same thing today with those evangelical leaders. As soon as their preachings are not the echo of the living prophet of their generation, it is the devil that inspires them and their miracles are miracles of seduction. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. Now, let’s consider Ezekiel 1. In the time of the calf, there will be a trace of the lion, man and the eagle to show that all the four are one. Amen!

9 Apart from all that, all, including the Yehshwah-ha'mahshyahs and all the rest, are nail polish and lipstick of Satan! And that makes now sixteen ways of writing that name; yet if it was by a prophet messenger, there would be one way in the whole world. You see?

10 Paul did not walk in the light and the faith of John the Baptist! Colomban did not walk in the light of Irenaeus! Martin Luther did not walk in the light of St. Martin of Tours! John Wesley did not walk in the light of Martin Luther! William Branham did not walk in the Methodist faith and it is clear that I do not walk in the apostolic faith of William Branham! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

11 Now, talking of the prophets, God has assigned graces to his prophets. For example, God says: I reveal myself through riddles to my servants the prophets, but it is not so with my servant Moses, to whom I speak mouth to mouth! You see? He has mercy on whom He wills.

12 And William Branham could say: He that comes after me, to whom this circle of light above me spoke, is greater than me! He saw the restitution of the Capstone to the pyramid. The Capstone is the constellation of the Angel, the Lamb and Elijah in the vision of April 24, 1993. You see? It is all this that puts confusion in John’s mind on the island of Patmos.

13 Especially when this messenger says that the Angel of April 24, 1993 had his likeness! So John wants to worship him, he can see that it is the Lord Jesus Christ under another form! But he said to John: "See thou do it not. I am thy fellow-bondman, and the fellow-bondman of thy brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Do homage to God because the Spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus." And you John, do not say it to anyone! You see? If it is really me, I do not know but one thing is certain: The Almighty God shall raise up an African to fulfill this glorious mission on earth.[Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

14 Well. As I am talking about the saints’ faith, I would like to show that the apostolic faith and the prophetic faith are two different things. The apostolic faith, the apostles’ faith, is clearly identified in the Bible. And It was this faith that influenced the whole time of the apostles! If at the resurrection, at dawn of the third day, Mary Magdalene said: "Lord, I do not need to touch you, I do believe!" then there would be something wrong! But she wanted to touch Him and the Lord Jesus told her: "Touch me not!” What is this? This is the apostolic faith! The faith that sees before believing, the faith that touches before believing and this is the Pentecostal and Branhamist faith. And I can tell you that among the apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ, the most spiritual apostle was Apostle Thomas. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]

15 And as Mark 16 says it, when the Lord Jesus Christ was resurrected, if all the apostles suddenly believed it, then there would be something wrong! You see? None of the apostles is more spiritual than Thomas, nor even apostle John, the apostle whom Jesus Christ loved and who wrote the book of Revelation! You remember what John said in 1 John 1:1 to 3 on behalf of all the apostles!

16 Thomas is the symbol of the apostolic faith, he is the high priest of the apostolate and the father of the Branhamists. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. It was the common faith in the time of the apostles and in that time, Bereans were congratulated! In the apostolic faith, they can sing: "My God nearer to Thee ... accept without understanding!”. They sang it but they compare and verify verses before they accept! And despite that, they were the most spiritual virgins of their time! But today, the faith of the Bereans is of the devil because we are in the age of the eagle. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

17 And here, hundreds of people are now believing, and will believe all over the world because God has given them this prophetic faith as a gift before the foundation of the world. We were part of the same family before the foundation of the world, that is why we have the same faith. My true parents are those who believe in the Message. And if a child loves me, he will have nobody as parent but you. Before the foundation of the world, we were together! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

18 Our carnal relatives and friends, we will never see them again but as for the Church, at the end of Days, where I am, there she will be too! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. Those who know me best and those who love me are here, in the midnight Cry! It's from you, Brothers and Sisters, that my true children have to receive instructions ... For you are the ones that love me and you are the ones that I love. Nobody can love me without loving the Word I preach! And he that can understand, let him understand!

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