Kacou 107 : The Prophetic Faith

(Preached on Sunday morning March 18, 2012 in Adjamé, Abidjan - Ivory Coast)

1 Well, I have received a flood of questions which I am going to try to answer. I know that it’s for the sake of sanctification that you asked them... Well, there are some sins which are upon the line of demarcation and others which are behind the line of demarcation. It is in this sense that, for the sins which are on the line of demarcation, I spoke for example of mouth to mouth or the light when a Brother comes near his wife. 

2 May God bless you! Now, I would like to speak again about the prophetic faith. There were several dispensations. But the age in which we are is the age of the eagle and it is the prophetic faith. But I want to let you notice something: there is the prophetic faith and living the prophetic faith. So, you can receive the teaching and the knowledge of the prophetic faith like a pious Branhamist without you living the prophetic faith.

3 There was a time when having the knowledge of this prophetic faith could give eternal Life because the Bible says that knowledge would increase. But today, it’s question of living the prophetic faith. It’s like the third Pull which is different from the manifestation of the third Pull. We are preaching the third Pull but the manifestation of the third Pull is coming.

4 In the evening time, they just had the knowledge of it. But they did not live that. This is why we can see today the Lee Vayle with the bi-unitary faith, Joseph Coleman with the thunders, Junior Jackson on his side. Ewald Frank on the other side and so on…

5 In the prophetic faith, it is a question of simply showing the thing and all those for whom that is ordained before the foundation of the world will say, "Amen!" This is the original faith! And it is this faith that God will bring back on the earth at the end of times because He is the God of restitution. You see? As soon as the original faith is the prophetic faith, there is an imprint of prophetism in the four living creatures.

6 And we see that at the time of Martin Luther, when Martin Luther was preaching the baptism by aspersion in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, if somebody came to show by Acts 2:38 that the baptism was in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ by immersion, he was a son of the devil. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

7 And at the time of Matthew 25:6, we did not receive an apostolic, Branhamist or Pentecostal faith but the prophetic faith. You see? Now, there is a Brother who wanted to know if the Archangel Michael were really God as I said it during an intervention here…

8 Notice that the presence of the Archangel Michael is directly linked to the Spirit of Daniel and to the midnight Cry. In the book of Revelation, we see the midnight Cry in Revelation 12:14. But before that, the Archangel Michael appears in Revelation 12:7. The Bible says, "And there was war in the Heaven: Michael and his Angels went to war with the dragon…"  

9 The Michael of Daniel 12:1 and the Michel of Revelation 12:7 are the same Name as the Yeshua ha'Mashiah of the Jews and our Lord Jesus Christ are the same Name and the same Person! [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. And when we go in the book of Daniel, the midnight Cry sounds in Daniel 12:8 to 10. You see?

10 But before that, the Archangel Michael appears in verse 1 of Daniel 12. It is written: "And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great Prince who standeth for the children of thy people …" And finally when we go further again in the book of Joshua, the midnight Cry sounds in Joshua chapter 6. But before that, the Archangel Michael appears in chapter 5 verse 13 to 15. You see? When the prophet says that the Archangel Michael is Jesus Christ, that should not be a trial for anybody. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

11 According to the prophetic faith, if you see things in a certain way and the prophet comes to tell you another thing, consider that it is God Himself who has sent an Angel to enlighten you. And you cannot go against that unless you first produce your call and commission. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

12 And if, while discussing with a Baptist, you say that Michael is not God and that Baptist tells you, "And yet, your Prophet says that Michael is God", you say, "No, the prophet cannot say that!  Michael is not God!" But if that Baptist shows you in the book of Prophet Kacou Philippe that Michael is God, whatever your past conviction was, you will shout, "Glory to God! Hallelujah! This is the whole truth! Michael is God!" That’s it, the prophetic faith! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

13 Now, I am going to read Joshua 5:13 to 15. Follow that very closely. Joshua 5:13 to 15: "And it came to pass when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, there stood a man before him with his sword drawn in his hand. And Joshua went to Him, and said to Him: Art thou for us, or for our enemies? And he said: …", listen well now. It’s that man speaking now. That man is Michael. You see?

14 The Angel of Jehovah is Jesus Christ, it is God Himself. And Jehovah of Hosts, it is Michael, it is Jesus Christ and it is God Himself. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. Who’s in good position to know Michael? It is not Martin Luther, John Wesley or William Branham but it is the Spirit of Daniel and he that preaches the midnight Cry is the Spirit of Daniel.

15 Listen now to what the Angel is going to say in verse 14. The Angel says, "… No, I am not an enemy. No; for as captain of the Army of Jehovah am I NOW come." Amen! He says, I used to come as the Angel of Jehovah, but now I have come as the Captain of the army of Jehovah. And the rest of the verse says, "… Then Joshua fell upon his face to the earth, and worshipped, and he said, What saith my Lord unto his servant? And the captain of Jehovah's army said to Joshua, Loose thy sandal from off thy foot: for the place whereon thou standest is holy. And Joshua did so." What is this? Amen! The Angel did not say to Joshua, "No, rise up, I am an angel, I am your fellow-bondman!" Why? Because this Angel was God Himself. Jehovah of hosts, it is God Himself and it is Michael. And Joshua did Him homage because it was God. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

16 In Revelation 19, it was a person. And he said to John, "No John, do not worship me!" But here in Joshua chapter 5, it is Michael, Jehovah of Hosts, it was Jesus Christ Himself. And Joshua worshipped Him and He said to Joshua, "Joshua, take thy sandal off! You are in the presence of God". And a Brother told me, "Brother Philippe, Michael means: Him that is like God." When I said that Michael was Jesus Christ Himself, I didn’t know I had said that… Amen! It needed a prophet to reveal that. The saints’ faith is the prophetic faith, the faith around a living prophet messenger. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

17 When Jesus Christ comes on earth, there will be a prophet on the earth because the unity of the faith cannot be made but around a living prophet. If there are a thousand Branhamist churches or trends on earth, it is because they have abandoned the prophetic faith. And each of these thousands of trends will have its way. Each one will have its way. Each one will have its truth and its way of seeing things.

18 This one believes that this is that. The other believes that this is that. So on and so forth. But before the rapture, a prophet will bring to the unity of the faith all the children of God on the earth. When the prophet comes, it is not a sacrifice that each one must make to give up his position, but they must simply throw their precious lights away and align themselves behind the prophet. That’s it. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

19 The churches have some truths. You say, "We are in the truth…" but the elect and the children of God will always have a living prophet on the earth. The elect are looking for a prophet, the sons of the devil are looking for truths. We are not looking for a truth because the truth of a demon is a lie. Even if you are Catholic, you must not leave your Catholic church and follow somebody because he has a truth that others do not have. But you must follow a living prophet messenger who has an authentic Message and call and commission. It is the only way in which that can be and 2 Chronicles 20:20 and Hosea 12:13 say that.

20 God does not send a church or a truth or a ministry on earth but a prophet messenger and it is from the prophet messenger that all these things proceed. And so, God will always keep his Prophet in the truth. You see? Now, I am taking a note here!

21 Do you remember these three thunder blasts when Perry Green was with William Branham? They were three Words pronounced by the Angel, "Judgment West coast" and an earthquake struck Alaska. You see? And on this side, the two religious trends, identical in the form, the language, and so on… what is it? The Branhamist mummy that Tommy Osborn had blessed on April 11, 1966, died and two twin sisters, like two horns of similar appearance, rose in her place.

22 Those two eagles were two twin sisters and when the great eagle struck them in Heaven, the judgment struck the earth and the whole world was terrified, and the two twin towers of the World Trade Center, the heart and the world capital of money were struck and broken! It could be nowhere else but there, for it was to those Americans that William Branham had been sent and because they preferred money to he who can save their souls, God has turned to Africa! You see? People have forsaken the living prophet to follow ways that God did not trace. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

23 And recently, a certain Michael Morin, wrote to me from Canada so that I should indicate if the three dreams he had are from God. He wrote, "God has revealed to me what Brother Branham would have taught if he had lived longer and I need the confirmation of two personalities of first order who walk 100% in the Spirit of Christ and after searching, I decided that I needed your confirmation as well as Ewald Frank’s. It seems that you have the intelligence of visions". And I told him, Do you know André Morin, the author of the book: the Ten Abominations of Rome? He said, "He’s my junior brother". I said, Concerning the visions you had, I am curious to know something as well: Ewald Franck is not a prophet, so how can he know if your visions are from God or not? If human greatness can interpret or explain a vision, then why don’t you ask President Barack Obama who is very close to you in America? And he said, "I tell you that the site www.williambranham.org says that the revelations I had come from God". And I told him, "Mr. Morin, a website is not a prophet!" And as for those revelations, … I just read one vision and I left that. It is divination. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].