Kacou 111 : The God of the Restitution

(Preached on Sunday October 21, 2012 in Adjamé, Abidjan – Ivory Coast)

1 The elect come from all the corners of the earth, even from the depths of remote America because the Salvation has moved to be in Africa, so has the Jordan! When you see this sign and this joy and that you do not understand the midnight Cry, cry over yourselves for, the reason is not that you have no intelligence to understand but the reason is that it has not been given to you from Heaven before the foundation of the world! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

2 You may know the Bible by heart, William Branham’s brochures by heart, but the Bible says that you do not know Jehovah. It is written there in Judges 2 verse 10. At each revolt and deportation of Israel, the scrolls of Moses and the prophets were there! Every time Israel rejected or killed the prophets, the scrolls of Moses and the prophets were there!

3 And when Israel rejected and crucified the Lord Jesus Christ, the scrolls of Moses and the prophets were there! It is only a living prophet who makes God known to his generation. Only a living prophet can lead you into the perfect will of God. The Bible only divided humans. You see?

4 By wanting to gather all the books of the prophets in only one book, Eusebius did not intend to do something evil. But, unfortunately, that has become an instrument to mislead, just exactly as the golden calf of Aaron. Gold is divinity, but when Aaron gathers that together in a golden calf which is supposed to be the Lamb of God for the sacrifice and the atonement of the sins of mankind, that became an evil thing! The golden calf of Aaron is the scrolls of the dead prophets till the Bible today.

5 The Bible is the revelation that Aaron, as a prophet, had had when Moses, the saviour was taken up at the right side of God for forty days and forty nights. And today, the Bible is regarded as being able to give eternal Life instead of being a mere book of history for research and documentation. It is the devil that has done that. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

6 In the time of Moses, the Holy Spirit was the Spirit that was on Prophet Moses. In the time of Elijah, the Holy Spirit was the Spirit that was on Prophet Elijah. In the time of Branham, the Holy Spirit was the Spirit that was on William Branham and William Branham himself did not know that. God took the Spirit that was on Moses and put It on the seventy elders. God took the Spirit that was on Elijah and put It on Elisha. God took the Spirit that was on Jesus and spread It on the one hundred and twenty which were in the upper room.

7 If a son of the devil tells you:  "But why this is that...", tell him to keep quiet! It is to a prophet that the Word of God comes. At the time of Noah, the Holy Spirit was the Spirit that was on Noah. And today, the Holy Spirit is the Spirit that is on Prophet Kacou Philippe. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

8 You cannot serve God unless you are the echo of what Prophet Kacou Philippe is saying. It is in the virtue of the heavenly mandate that I received from the Angel and the Lamb on April 24, 1993 that I say these things. And the Heaven and the earth cannot make this a lie. Neither in the present century, nor in the century to come. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

9 They have different holy spirits, that's why their acts are different. And you saw what the newspapers published lately concerning prophet Zapka. He is now commanding some military actions with his faithful. And in the recent attack at the border with Ghana, his faithful again, among whom Djaha Aristide, a pastor of his church, got killed.

10 Brothers and Sisters, the only right we have is to vote as citizens. Apart from that, we have nothing to do with politics. Our aim is the Salvation of our souls and I tell you that if you keep my Word, when one day this heavy body returns to the dust from which it has been taken, you shall be happy of an eternal bliss! Bless his name and give him glory and be happy because you have lived the most glorious days on earth among men in your generation!  [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

11 Now, I am expecting that black virgin. I neither know when nor where she will come from but I have faith that the God of the restitution who sent me will send her. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

12 Now, I am going to answer a question: Brother Philippe, is the coming of Jesus in 1993 the second coming the Bible talks about? No Brother! First, the first coming took place two thousand years ago. It was for the nations and the Jews. It was for the redemption of mankind. And the second coming that the nations are expecting, it will be for the rapture, to take this redeemed Bride. It is after it that He reveals Himself to the Jews according to Genesis 45 and Revelation 11:3 to 11. But before this second coming for the nations, there are two secret comings which were not planned: one to break and reveal the seven seals and the other to reveal the unknown tongue contained in the seventh seal. You see?

13 When the Bible says: "When the Lamb opened the first seal… When the Lamb opened the second seal… When the Lamb opened the third seal… ", it is really the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. And it was the same Lamb that came down again on April 24, 1993, for the revelation of the unknown tongue. But the Bible does not talk about those two comings because they were not planned. When the voice said:  "Who is worthy to open the book, and to break its seals? ", if an angel or a man had been worthy, there would not be these two secret comings. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

14 Well, I come to my subject of this morning. I would like to tell you something this morning. In all my life, since my childhood, I have never been summoned to the police or to any jurisdiction and I do not wish that except if it is for the Word of God.

15 People offended me several times and I made the effort not to offend anyone, and even when somebody stepped on my toe, I said in my heart: O God, exalt me on the earth so that this man or this woman may fear to step on my toe. You see? And if you want to follow me or be my imitators, this is the beginning. Force yourselves not to curse or do yourself justice.

16 From the beginning up to the time of the prophets, there was no police. When you acted badly, you were simply cursed. And even today, several people like me think that curse cannot be compared to the police. Curse is greater than the police.

17 If I send you to court or to the police, that means that I have chosen the jurisdiction of men to do myself justice; but the jurisdiction of men can be corrupt but the divine jurisdiction cannot be corrupt. And there are billions of angels from God or the devil that are ready to carry that out as soon as I am proved right. You see? And that curse will weigh on you, on your children and the children of your children because by cursing you, I curse all the children who are under your roof and even those who are in your loins. If there were no human jurisdiction and we were only confined to cursing, there would be less evil things on earth. But as I said: somebody can do you evil and you will simply say: O God, exalt me on earth so that this man or this woman may fear to step on my toe. And then God will turn his evil into blessing for you.

18 My father and my mother never cursed us. My mother never cursed one of her children. And my father never cursed one of his children except for the same oldest son who had beaten him and treated him like an animal with a rope around his neck. And the curse weighing on him and all his house is too heavy. Both my parents were good people. Not everyone has had the grace to have such parents.

19 You, women, how can you curse your own child and his offspring because you sent him [for something] and that he refused to go? How can you curse your own child, because you asked him to do something, and he refused to? You see? This is witchcraft! And why didn't you kill him for urinating and defecating on you when he was a baby? You say: "what you are doing to me, your child will do it to you!" You are a witch! You curse and destroy your daughter and her offspring and then you will give her in marriage!

20 You curse your own children and you wait for them to succeed in school or they become something on earth. Whatever your anger, you cannot utter words of curse on your child. It is a responsibility towards God, you do not have that right! Even if he acted wrongly, you do not have that right! And you act thus and you thus produce several children to destroy the earth! You see? A curse must never come out of your mouth on your child. Never do that! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

21 I have only been blessing and blessing. I blessed, I bless, and I will always bless those that God gave me. May God grant them to keep his Word with fear and the impossible be possible in their life, and they be the exception of their family. And they and their children will always prevail on the earth forever [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. 

22 Now listen to this to finish, do not miss it: driven by anger, I can break my telephone in pieces, but when I come back from that anger, I will not be able to repair it. I have the power to destroy it, but I do not have the power to put it back to its first state, or to even repair it. Driven by anger, a man can kill his fellow, but when he comes back from that anger, even in his regret, he will not be able to raise that fellow back to life, because he does not have the power to raise the dead.

23 And I tell you that a man, or a woman driven by anger can curse their son or their daughter, but he does not have the power to undo that curse! You say: "O prophet, I asked him for forgiveness, I fell on my knees and he poured some water…"!

24 No sir, that just relieved your conscience, but did not undo the curse. I am the prophet of God and I tell you the exact truth! I also thought that was possible, but it is not possible unless you are under the blood of Christ in the prophetic Message of your time, because only God has that power, and the living prophet is his mouth on earth! This is the infallible revelation of God! And he that has ears to hear, let him hear!