Kacou 138 : The North Star of Matthew 25:6

Letter that Prophet Kacou Philippe wrote on September 29, 2019

1 Letter that I, Prophet Kacou Philippe, I have addressed from my house this Sunday morning, September 29, 2019, to Pastor David Ouassa and to all those who have placed their hope in the Message of William Branham.

2 William Branham came to adopt the Bride, I have come to point her to the Bridegroom according to Matthew 25:6. It is to you Branhamists that the midnight Cry came but you are busy building cathedrals that you call tabernacles.

3 In the seventh seal, Ref. 299, William Branham saw your cathedrals in vision at the time of the ministry under the tent. And now you come and talk about the midnight Cry. I am waiting for your calls and commissions and Messages but know that any revelation that does not come from a prophet messenger is a satanic revelation, even if it is correct.

4 You are only imitators. If you think that it is really midnight, why don't you invite me to listen to me? Why don't you approach me? You imitate everything I do, you plagiarize the Message that I preach but, can you imitate infallibility as well?

5 This letter that I am writing, when I finish it, I will have it translated secretly and I will publish it and the Catholic who is in France or the pagan who is in Kenya will read it at the same time as Apostle Martin who is here. Like me, have you ever told someone the dream he had with the details? And, what will you preach that the world does not know?

6 Since 2002, more than five hundred times I have been confronted with decisions, and I did not fail once. For example, Sister Mireille from Belgium wrote this to me: "Brother Philippe, a new company wants to hire me with a better salary and enough free time". I prayed and I told her: "Sister Mireille, stay there in the company where you are" and she obeyed me. And later, the new company was closed. You cannot imitate that!  

7 An eagle, it is the ability to fly very high in the sky above all the earth. A prophet, it is the ability to see visions in broad daylight with open eyes, the ability to announce things in advance, before they come to pass.

8 A prophet, it is the seal of infallibility. But cheating or plagiarism, it is when a chicken or a parrot puts on eagle feathers and starts insulting the eagle. And in the A levels exam room in the third vision of 1993, there were cheaters sitting next to me.

9 Before me, all of you Branhamists were saying that Matthew 25:6 was just a mere parable. And in 2004, Ewald Frank said this in his circular letter No. 55: "Beloved brothers and sisters, in the evening time, the Lord gave us the gift of the evening light. Now we are moving towards midnight.” Then in his circular letter No. 57 of 2005, he said this: "The evening time is behind us; the midnight hour is here. Every circular letter must be understood as the midnight Cry”.

10 And Alexis Barilier had addressed a letter to Ewald Frank telling him that the midnight Cry, it was through several servants of God. Then before his death, Alexis Barilier wrote this to Ewald Frank: "If Brother Branham's Message did not prevent us from falling asleep, you and I included, after the evening time, it is obvious that it will not be able to wake us up at midnight".

11 And by inviting yourselves into the midnight Cry, you have divided yourselves into three groups. A first group that believes that the midnight Cry is the Message of William Branham. A second group that believes that the midnight Cry will be made by a prophet messenger but it is not Kacou Philippe.

12 And finally, a third group, not quite balanced in their head, that bases itself on the Louis Segond Bible which says: "They cried..." and on the fact that there is a multitude of stars at night to say that a time will come when several Branhamist pastors from different countries will become prophets messengers, and the midnight Message will come to them according to Amos 3:7 and they will reveal it, whilst since the evening time, they are all asleep with the Message of William Branham.

13 John the Baptist saw a man and he shouted, "Behold, the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." I too saw a man on April 24, 1993 and I shouted, "Behold the bridegroom, go forth to meet him". But you, who did you see and on which date? You look for God's existence in the creation, in the religions and holy books and in meditations, but I saw Him on April 24, 1993 and He spoke to me and He sent me to mankind and I have fulfilled Matthew 25:6.

14 In the vision of April 24, 1993, I saw the Angel and the Lamb with my own eyes and I shouted, "Behold the bridegroom, go forth to meet him" according to Matthew 25:6. And the crowd came from all the languages and religions and races of the earth. But you, what did you see and hear, and on which date? And what will you go and say to mankind?

15 And when I was speaking about the midnight Cry in 2002, you were in debates on thunders, trends of Jeffersonville and Krefeld, of Branham is God, of fivefold ministry and other satanic doctrines. No one on earth was speaking about midnight Cry or about four ministries or black race. And today, seventeen years later, you come and say that you were speaking about the midnight Cry before me? Put therefore your evidence on the internet!

16 And even David, my former pastor, says he talked about the midnight Cry in 1998. Dear Pastor David, I spent nine years with you, I didn't know that you were the prophet of the midnight Cry. You had never mentioned the term "midnight Cry" or read Matthew 25:6 but always Romans 8: "The creature expects the revelation of the sons of God". Romans 8 is not Matthew 25:6.

17 Dear Pastor David, before you meddle in the midnight Cry, did you repent of politics and for inviting, several times, your church members to vote for such and such political candidates? You had made us fast for politics. We were in the middle of a fast for President Houphouët Boigny with the Catholics on the day they announced his death in 1993. Yet, the Lord Jesus Christ said in Mark 8:15 to beware of the leaven of Herod, that is to say, of politics. At every mass, until now, when you preach, everyone falls asleep in your cathedral.

18 You hate me for no reason, like the inhabitants of my village. Some of you refused to shake hand with me, including your wife. In 2002, when I wanted to meet you, you received me at Sister Ita's house instead of receiving me at your house and we talked well, and when I left, I was told that you sprayed the chair on which I was sitting with an insecticide. I was afraid of you and I kept far from you.

19 Then in 2004, I heard that you had fasted, kept vigil and prayed against me with Pastor Adon and you had preached that if someone killed me, God would bless that person. I was scared because, you Pastor David who threatens to shed the blood of your own church members in the pulpit, it is not I Kacou Philippe that you will spare.

20 Yet in 2002, I left you alone and in peace. And when I was with you, you told old Simeon that if all Christians of the earth were like me, the rapture would have already taken place. Why have I become Satan today? Is it because I left you? Make the effort to love me as I love you. And when your church members leave you and come to the midnight Cry, let it not fill you with anger and hatred. Roy Davys did not act this way towards William Branham.

21 John the Baptist in your case said in John 3:26 to 27: "A man can receive nothing unless it be given him out of heaven." I was your church member but now I am the prophet of the whole earth and you cannot stand it. Make the effort to refuse this bad role of Saul against David that Satan wants to give you. I want you to be saved.

22 When your church members leave you and come to me in the midnight Cry, they tell me of your hatred against me for no reason, but I forgive you everything. You know that I respect you and that I will never speak against you and your wife on your private life.

23 You preach, saying, "Can Kacou Philippe compare himself to me? Put me and put him! Look at my car and his car! Look at my church members and his church members! ...." No. I have never compared myself to you.

24 In 2016, when the churches threw me in jail, the wife of the Branhamist pastor of Petit-Toit-Rouge brought me food in the prison and while eating, I was sad because I wish it had been from one of you. I love you.

25 In 1993, when I prophesied that the two deacons would divide the church, who had believed it? I had given details even on how some pastors were going to come and try to fix that with no success. You called me in your office and told me that it was rather other people who would try to divide the church.

26 But later, one of the two deacons was dismissed from his work and then began to rebel up to dividing the church, and some pastors came from far away to try to get reconciliation with no success. Remember that at the end of the vigil of December 31, 1994, because of my great revelations, you had asked me for a special prayer for God to guide your church up to the rapture and I did it. You gave yourself the name David, you have established song leaders and choirs, but where is Samuel? Where is Nathan?

27 Do not be angry with me. You know very well that I had never been in the same spirit as you; that is why from 1993 to 2002, over those nine years, I had no office except that of leader of all those who have the gifts of visions, prophecies, speaking in tongues... with the other group after the division before following you.

28 You all had Louis Segond Bibles, I had Darby. You all changed your names like in Islam, but I kept my name Philippe, which my father gave me and by which he called me until his death.

29 When you shared your questions on some sheets of paper, you know very well what answers I would put on my sheet. For example: "Question 4: How many times have you read the Bible"? I answered: "Answer 4: I read my Bible every day".

30 All your doctrines of: "Jesus only became God at baptism...” or “we must not eat catfish...", I did not respect any of them. It wasn't rebellion. No. I was acting like this because, before I met you, there had already been an April 24, 1993 in my life and I was just waiting for my time.

31 Honestly, before God, didn't you know that one day I would be exercising a prophetic ministry? What did you mean when I let my beard grow and you asked me if the time had come? I have never spoken against you and God is my witness. The priests who opposed King Uzziah in 2 Chronicles 26 are not his enemies.

32 Your enemies are those who are afraid to tell you that you are doing wrong. When Ewald Frank comes to Ivory Coast, you are with him and no one tells you it is bad. When the Branhamists gather, whatever their trends, you are in their midst and no one tells you that it is bad.

33 When evangelical pastors go to the invitation from the political authorities, you are in their midst and no one tells you that it is bad. You sponsor evangelical parties and you invite them to take the holy communion in your church and no one tells you that it is bad.

34 And when Kassi d'Azito and the evangelical pastors gather, you are in their midst and no one tells you it is bad. It is not correct and you know that I am the one who can tell you the truth because I want you to be saved. Dear pastor, be humble. A pastor is not a prophet messenger, but a priest, and a priest is not infallible.

35 When in 1994 you announced the rapture for 1997 with calculations and the rapture did not take place, which one of all those who are with you told you that you must repent publicly? No one! You go from deviation to deviation, and they are afraid to stop you while it is a question of Salvation. What is the use of establishing around you, people who will not draw your attention if you do wrong?

36 In 2002, when I was speaking about the midnight Cry, you laughed at me saying that Matthew 25:6 was just a mere parable. I had never heard that a pastor on the earth had read or spoken about Matthew 25:6 or Hosea 12:13.

37 Later, I went with Brothers Akobé and Abou to see on the Internet if someone had spoken about the midnight Cry. All three of us found two results. For the first result, it was a woman named Ellen White who mentioned it and the second result was about a call for help in a hotel at midnight in Paris. Everyone laughed at me because of the appellation "midnight Cry".

38 Today, your eyes are open thanks to me and you take the Louis Segond Bible, the work of a theologian to say, "They cried." While William Branham loved and used Darby.

39 From Paul to William Branham, the Church fell asleep countless times. And were they not prophets like Irenaeus, Martin, Columban, Wyclif, John Huss, Luther, Calvin and Wesley that God sent to cry, each in his time? From Moses to the Lord Jesus Christ, were they not prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah and Daniel that God sent to cry and wake up Israel?

40 Show me where God woke up Israel once through some priests. You who claim to follow the Bible, show me only one place in the Bible where God fulfilled a Bible promise through a group of priests.

41 I took the King James, Ostervald, Crampon, Colombe, Reina-Valera, David Martin, Olivetan and Chouraqui versions; All the versions of the Bible mention only one cry except for the 1910 version by the theologian Louis Segond at the request of the company of theologians of Geneva in 1874.

42 How can you condemn theology and use the Louis Segond Bible if you are not a son of the devil? Even the TOB Bible of the Catholics says, "In the middle of the night, there was a cry: Behold the bridegroom! Come out to meet him."  But recently, the Louis Segond version was revised in 2007 and they put: "a cry" because the original Greek says, "a cry". If you are sons of God, you must repent publicly for supporting "They cried..."

43 Despite this, you say: "At night, there is not one star but many stars". Okay, but do you know that among the stars, there is a star called the North Star around which the moon and all the stars and their constellations without exception revolve?

44 Do you know that, after the evening time, it was the lightning of Matthew 24:27 which became the North Star at night? This morning, I will say things that do not exist anywhere and you David, you will and say again that you revealed them in 1998 and the cheaters will copy them.

45 When the earth revolves, all the stars and their constellations revolve around the North Star, which is the star Polaris or Alpha Ursae Minoris. And any star that does not revolve around the star Polaris is a star of Satan.

46 When you refuse to revolve around the North Star, you become a wandering star, a danger in space. When the earth revolves, the twenty-four elders of Revelation 4 revolve around the throne and the four living creatures of Revelation 7 also revolve around the throne.

47 On April 24, 1993, all the earth was dark and a light like a star was visible in the sky. What was that? The landmark, the guide, the North Star. And when it came down, it was the Angel and the Lamb. Yet, in the sky, it was only one star.

48 Take some binoculars and look at the North Star and you will see that it is a constellation of stars. God was sending a sign to black Africa in fulfillment of Matthew 25:6.

49 The 24 time zones start in the United States at -12 and end on the edges of Russia at +12; and coming from America, Ivory Coast, Ghana and Togo are in the 0-degree time zone.

50 It was in this time zone 0 that the eclipse of March 29, 2006 passed. Once, between the 14th and 18th centuries, the three hands of God's clock became one hand and pointed together to the sky, and it was noon according to Mark 13:35.

51 And one day, after America and the evening time, again, the three hands will have to form a constellation and the three hands will point to the sky and it will be midnight according to Mark 13:35. Thus, at noon a white prophet should appear in Europe and now at midnight a black prophet should appear in Africa.

52 And one of the signs is that: When Moses, the greatest prophet of mankind after the Flood, came, he revealed the origin of mankind. And when the first great prophet messenger of the black race came, it was in his mission to reveal the origin of the black race.

53 Take the Louis Segond Bible and say, "They cried..." because there are several stars in the night. I agree that there are several stars, but amongst all those stars, there is the North Star, which is Polaris. There are bright stars, but only one star is the North Star.

54 Since the foundation of the world, the North Star has always been one in its time. It guided all those who confided in it on the seas and in the deserts and it will guide mankind till the end of the world.

55 The Lord Jesus Christ is the bright morning star while Satan is called the bright night star or Sirius or the prince of darkness. All the suicides in sects including those of Jim Jones or the Order of the Solar Temple are called: transit or travel to the star Sirius. But when those dead get to Sirius, Sirius will tell them, "I myself Mary... I myself Sirius, I revolve around the star Polaris. Depart from me!".

56 The North Star is not the brightest star of the night, which is the star Sirius, but the star Polaris which is the highest star in the sphere. The star Polaris is 48th in brightness but it is the guide. It has guided navigators and explorers. It has guided kings, men of war and civilizations through this gigantic universe that lives and breathes.

57 The North Star, also called the star of the sea, remains from eternity to eternity, the compass of mankind as the prophets have always been. It is the only star that is seen from all the place of the world.

58 It is not the star of a race, a continent or a religion but the star of the whole world. During its time, the North Star is the unchanging magnetic centre of our universe. The North Star has six branches, it is the symbol of balance as the prophet messenger is the symbol of balance between the heaven and the earth, between God and men.

59 The North Star is one in its time like the prophet messenger. It is around it that the moon and the billions of stars in our universe revolve.

60 Now, one mystery is that one star is not the North Star forever from the foundation of the world. Look at celestial constellations, the North Star is the pivot of the sky around which all the stars in the sky gravitate. You can check this from anywhere with your phone. And this North Star that you see, a time will come when another star will be the North Star in its place in the same location. Stars are born, act each in its time and die like men.

61 The current North Star is the star Polaris. It is a constellation of three stars like the constellation of the stars at the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. There was a time when a star called Thuban was the North Star and all the stars in the sky revolved around it.

62 And today it is the star Polaris and after the star Polaris, another star named Vega will be the North Star in its place and then it is around it that all the stars in the sky will revolve. And in that time, even the globe of the earth will tilt towards Vega. And after Vega, another star will be the North Star. And Thuban and Polaris and Vega are of different colours. It is the word of God.

63 There is only one North Star at a time and there was a time when this North Star was Jesus of Nazareth, then another time when this star was Paul, then another time when this star was Luther, then Wesley, then William Branham and today this North Star is Kacou Philippe and after me another star will be the North star, that is to say the prophet messenger in my place.

64 If you say today, in my time, that it is still Thuban which is the last North Star, then you are a star of Satan. If you say: "I cannot follow a man or revolve around a star like me" then you are a star of Satan. Science says that when a star dies it grows bigger and then goes from decomposition to decomposition as I preached it in Kc.128:34 to 36.

65 When, in the inclination of the earth, the star Thuban had become the North Star, any star in heaven that refused to revolve around it was cast out on the earth. In the time of Moses, all the Korah and Dathan and all of the "They cried..."who refused to revolve around Moses, the North Star in their midst were swallowed up.

66 And in the year 350 after Jesus Christ, when Polaris became the North Star, all the stars that refused to revolve around it began to die out. And after it, when Vega is the North Star, all the stars that will say that Kacou Philippe is the last North Star will die.

67 Stars are different from each other like men. Stars have undergone migrations like men. Every person on earth is under the sign of a star. Stars are born from the bosom of nebulae just as men are born from the bosom of women.

68 There are several nebulae. There is the Orion Nebula that I have known since my childhood through my father. There is the Helix Nebula. There is the Sword Nebula. There is the Crab Nebula. There is the Snake Nebula. There is the Flame Nebula. There is the Angel Nebula. There is the Carina nebula.

69 There is the Eagle Nebula with the three pillars of creation. The North Star is the star of the prophets. And north stars are born from the Eagle Nebula.

70 It is God Himself who placed every nebula, every star and every constellation in its place, that is why there were 12 apostles on the earth, 24 elders around the throne and that there is 48 predominant stars in our galaxy with Polaris.

71 The stars and their constellations are the word written by God's own hands. The stars and nebulae in the sky are of different colors like the stone of jasper, sardoin, chrysolite, emerald and sapphire on the earth. The stars and their constellations contain teachings, proverbs, parables, mysteries and prophecies.

72 There are other galaxies and their planets and satellites and nebulae and stars and constellations and phenomena that we do not see, just as there is also the world of angels that we do not see.

73 There is the world of seraphim that we do not see. There is the world of cherubs that we do not see. There is the world of archangels that we do not see. There are other worlds that we do not see. But for the human world, the stars and constellations are there above us and all around us with only one North Star which is the Lord Jesus Christ, and of whom the prophet messenger has always been the representative on earth from generation to generation.

74 Every continent or country does not have its very own North Star. Every religion does not have its very own star like their holy book. And thus, the stars and their constellations which condemn the Arabs and Africans are the same stars and constellations which condemn the Chinese and Americans and all the inhabitants of the earth.

75 But now, where are in the sky, the stars of the dog, crab and snake nebulae? In Revelation 7:4, where are the tribes of Ephraim and Dan whose emblem is the serpent according to Genesis 49:17? Where are in the sky, all the stars who refused to revolve around the North Star of their time and which wanted to be north stars too?

76 Where are the constellations of Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism and atheists? The answer is found in Revelation 12:3 to 4: "And another sign was seen in the heaven and behold, a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads seven diadems; and his tail draws the third part of the stars of the heaven; and he cast them to the earth." Amen.

77 All the stars that did not revolve around the North Star were cast out to the earth. If a star does not revolve around the North Star, then its place is no longer in the heaven. All the stars are of God and as soon as a shooting star falls, it is the name of a chosen one which is blotted out of the Book of life.

78 Each of us is under a star and if you refuse to revolve around the prophet messenger, that means that your star comes from the Crab or Snake Nebula and its place is no longer in the heaven. The stars of Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism come from the Crab or Snake Nebula and they are no longer in heaven.

79 The prophet messenger is the representation of the North Star. But show me the North Star of which the Pope is the representative on earth. Show me the North Star of which the imams and ayatollahs are the representatives on earth.

80 Show me the North Star of which rabbis are the representatives on earth. Show me that there is a star or a constellation of stars that does not revolve around Polaris. All the other stars around which you revolve have been cast to the earth since the war of Armagedon. There is not a constellation of stars for Islam revolving around an ayatollah in heaven.

81 There is not a constellation of stars revolving around the Pope or a church leader in heaven. Your imams, ayatollahs, popes, pastors, apostles, prophets, Buddhas, sâdhus, rabbis are bright stars precipitated from heaven during the war of Armagedon.

82 You who revolve around an apostle, evangelist, church prophet or pastor, know that you are under the condemnation of heaven because the North Star is only a living prophet messenger. You who revolve around the Pope or a rabbi, a Buddha or an imam, know that you are under the condemnation of heaven because the North Star, it is only the living prophet messenger of your time. You who revolve around holy books, know that you are under the condemnation of heaven because the North Star today is Kacou Philippe, the living prophet messenger of your time.

83 Holy books have versions and revisions. Religions have branches but the stars and their constellations written by God's own hands in the sky have never been revised. It is the reference book of God for all mankind.

84 And like the magi, all those who read it are the men of the book, they are superior, they are in the dimension of the prophets. The stars and their constellations are an eternal and undisputable truth above each creation.

85 A prophet can never come and say that he is the last prophet whilst the world will not stop on the day of his death. You are the ones who refuse to accept this because you come from the Snake or Crab Nebula.

86 In heaven, the four living creatures revolving around the throne with the arms and wings and feet of a calf and the four satellites revolving around Jupiter are the four ministries of the Word revolving around the prophet messenger.

87 When in the sky, all galaxies and constellations revolve around the North Star; on the earth, kings and peoples and priests revolve around the prophet messenger.

88 In the sky above us, everything that God has created revolves around the North Star including the moon, and on the earth, everything that comes from God or that has been instituted by God revolves around the prophet messenger.

89 Prophet Ezekiel saw this near the river Chebar in the form of a whirlwind of fire like glowing brass which came from the north in a spinning motion. It was the Spirit of God coming as I showed it in Kc.137.

90 In the sky, the stars and everything that did not revolve around the North Star were driven out of the sky. And on earth, Catholics, Protestants, evangelicals and Branhamists do not revolve around the North Star because they are dead. Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism do not revolve around the North Star because they are dead.

91 Yesterday, their ancestors the Jews, the Egyptians, the Arabs and the Babylonians did not revolve around the North Star Thuban, today they do not revolve around me and tomorrow their descendants will not revolve around the North Star Vega because they are stars of Satan.

92 Like the Egyptian, Aztec, Inca and Maya religions and civilizations, everything that does not revolve around the North Star on the earth will disappear. Any nation that does not gravitate around the North Star will collapse like the United States.

93 All the good kings that God sent on earth, including Nebuchadnezzar, recognized the North Star of their time. But bad kings like Ahab did not recognize the North Star of their time. Pharaoh believed in "They cried..." Korah and Dathan believed in "They cried..." Ahab and Jezebel and the prophets of Baal believed in "They cried...", they had Louis Segond Bibles like the pastors and presidents today but King David loved stars like me and he believed in a North Star and made it his symbol. The star of David.

94 You have your religions, holy books and doctrines and that doesn't bother you but raise your eyes, is there a constellation of stars for Asia, another for Europe, another for America and another for Africa? Is there a constellation of stars for blacks and another constellation for whites? Is there a constellation of stars for Buddhism, another for Hinduism and another for Judaism revolving around its leader or its holy book?

95 If the churches or religions of the earth were constellations from God, they would all revolve around the only North Star of their time. And the North Star is not a holy book but a living prophet messenger.

96 And any holy book that does not tell you to revolve around the North Star, is a satanic book which must be burnt. There are many holy books. There is the Torah, the Bible, the Quran, the Veda, the Bhagavad-Gita but if a holy book or the doctrine of a religion does not correspond to the constellations of stars written by God's own hands, telling you to revolve around the North Star, reject it today. Everything that you see in the sky at night, they are immutable scriptures from God's own hands, scriptures that have never been revised.

97 Any religion or holy book that tells you that the star Thuban is still the North Star is a satanic religion or book. Any religion or doctrine or holy book that tells you that Charles Russell, Joseph Smith, Muhammad, Branham or Jesus of Nazareth is the last North Star is satanic.

98 And you, the Muslim, when you say: "Muhammad is the last North Star", the moon and the star above your mosque say that you are lying. You who turn to Mecca to pray or who go to Mecca to turn around the Kaaba, the moon and the star above your mosque say that you are lying.

99 If Prophet Muhammad was on earth, would your North Star be the Mecca, the Kaaba or Muhammad? Did Allah reveal the Quran through Prophet Muhammad or through the Kaaba? Has the North Star ever been a stone?

100 And you Branhamist, when you say, "William Branham is the last North Star", the sky and the stars above your head say that you are lying. You, the Mormon or Jehovah's Witness, when you say, "Joseph Smith or Charles Russell is the last prophet", the sky and the stars above your head say that you are lying.

101 You Christian, when you say, "Jesus of Nazareth is the last North Star", the sky and the stars above your head say that you are lying. When you say, "The Holy Spirit or the pillar of fire is our North Star", the sky and the stars above your head say that you are lying.

102 The North Star is not a ghost but a star like you. When you say, "In our country, there are north stars too", the sky and the stars above your head say that you are lying.

103 If there is another North Star, it will be beside me, Kacou Philippe, as Elijah was beside Moses in Revelation 11 and we will form a constellation and we will give only one light like one star.

104 And a star can't revolve around it without revolving around me. And the heaven and the earth will not be in confusion. When you say, "Why does Kacou Philippe say that he is the only true prophet on earth today"? Your answer is in the stars above your head. There is only one North Star.

105 And you, after listening to me, if your goal on the earth is to be with God one day, after your death, you will never turn again around another star or towards Mecca because I spoke to you in virtue of the mandate that I received from God on April 24, 1993.

106 And all of you who have believed in me, when I leave the earth, the public confession will always be the beginning of your worship services. When I leave the earth, you will never make papers like all the churches of the earth. You will never use the Louis Segond Bible or a theological product.

107 When I leave the earth, you will never build cathedrals like the Branhamists because, if one government lets you pray there, another government will come and persecute you and close them.

108 When I leave the earth, you will never put forth arguments of time or country reality to submit the Church to the State or God to Caesar. And the prophet that you will follow will have the seal of infallibility like me.

109 When I leave the earth, a book or the body of a dead prophet or a pastor will never become your North Star and you will never be weary in searching for the North Star that will come after me so that you may not walk without landmark at sea or in the desert all the days of your life.