Kacou 157 : Prophetism, dreams and visions

Revelation that Prophet Kacou Philippe gave on September 17, 2023

1 Revelation that I, Prophet Kacou Philippe, slave of Jesus Christ, I have given to the Saints on this September 17, 2023.

2 Kacou 155 and Kacou 156 are two chapters that came to fix the Saints to the peak of holiness, with the help of minor prophets. First, the evangelists went to seek and find the Saints. Then the apostles gathered them together. Then the teachers taught them. And none of the three did them any harm. Thus, the minor prophets will purify them without doing them any harm.

3 And this sermon on the minor prophets and dreams and visions, since Kacou 155, is one of the greatest sermons of my ministry. That's why God had sent me onto the mountain. And on the mountain, when I was praying to know the different types of minor prophets, I had seen the house of the great King and the march of Israel towards Canaan with Moses. And before Kacou 155 and Kacou 156 came out, the Angel of God had appeared to me.

4 The present phase of the midnight Cry is like the creation of angels. Some angels will be faithful to God and will be the stars that revolve around the North Star, while other angels will be rebellious like Satan, to the point of rising against God. And each of the two groups of angels has its posterity here. And the two groups of angels will fight each other with their arrows, which are their revelations.

5 This is why, be aware that when you always confide in someone for the interpretation of your dream or vision, you may be legitimizing a true or false minor prophet. If you go to a false minor prophet, it’s toward Satan that you are going and from then on, it’s Satan who will speak to you. Someone who gives you a false revelation or a false interpretation, it is Satan who wants to take your blessing.

6 So, be careful. If your father cannot speak to you in a language that you do not understand, also know that God cannot speak to you in riddles and symbols that you will never understand. Thus, if God speaks to you in a language that you don't understand, your reflex must not be to run everywhere in search of an interpreter.

7 First of all, on your own, you must try to understand the dreams and visions that you receive. If you receive a dream from God, then you can receive the interpretation from God. It is not a sin to seek the interpretation from another person, but never act in haste.

8 Also, to see a dream or to know the interpretation of a dream requires a disposition before and after sleep. This is why chattering, or the manipulation of the phone or computer must not accompany you up to the door of sleep. Dreams or visions are as much a mystery as speaking in tongues. And it’s from God Himself that the interpretation of the speaking in tongues comes.

9 God could have given the dream to someone else who would come and give you the interpretation; but if God gave it to you directly, be quiet and meditate; and if you do not understand, even in the middle of the night, say to God, "O God of grace, your foolish servant that I am has not understood the dream. May my Lord be gracious to me and give me the interpretation". God's grace is the fact that God's revelations will come to us as long as we do not yet understand what God wants to tell us.

10 Many revelations will come to tell you what you must do and what you must not do. And because of Satan, be sure and certain that you have understood what God wants you to do and when He wants you to do it. Never act in haste. And the minor prophets are there to help you.

11 Be aware of the presence of Satan who is there to pervert the truth. For example, when the prophet messenger makes you know that contraceptives, make-ups, skin bleaching or lightening, and wearing false hair are insults against God and against his power of creation, Satan will be there to twist your understanding.

12 Satan will tell you, "Oh yes, skin lightening is bad. But this cosmetic product is not a skin-lightening product. It's just a product to bring out your true complexion, it's just to make your skin glow". That's what Satan had done in Eden and Lili had listened to him. It’s the snake that gets rid of its dead skin to make its complexion glow.

13 Well. God always brings an interpretation to every revelation He gives. Now, the interpretation can come in different ways or gifts, and that's why I want to talk about it so that you be aware of it and pray to God to give you these gifts.

14 First of all, keep in mind that the interpretation of a dream or a vision is received through a gift; it must not come from our intelligence. It was through a gift that Joseph interpreted dreams in Genesis 40 and Genesis 41. And it was by a gift that Daniel interpreted the dreams and visions of Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar. I'm going to talk here about the different methods of interpretation. I have divided them into three parts. First, there is the standard method. Then, there are the gifts. And finally, there is the perfect will.

15 The standard method is that you understand through the Message, by means of your intelligence, what the dream or vision means. This method is not eternal. And to give the interpretation by this method, you must begin with: "I ask for forgiveness from God if the interpretation I am about to give is wrong". For example, if in the dream, the colour of your skin had changed, then by the Message, you know that it is the consequence of a sin against God and that you are loaded with a curse like Ham.

16 And it was to this method that the chapter Kacou 156 was devoted, with the aim of triggering a thirst for interpretation in you. When I gave you Kacou 155 and Kacou 156, I had seen in a vision that Kacou 155 had eight pages, while Kacou 156 had three pages, whereas, in reality, the two chapters have the same length and the same number of pages. God does not count the perfect will and the granted will together.

17 And with this standard method, you will have several possible interpretations, whereas the gift will give you the exact interpretation of what you have seen. In the standard method, a dog can make you think of a sin, whereas a dog can also be a symbol of faithfulness. And standing on top of a building, a wall, a tower, or a mountain will make you think of the ministry of a prophet. But to stand on a tent or a hut or a low house is to seek to make oneself a prophet.

18 The basement can be an assembly or a private group. Shortcuts mean taking the easy way out. The turtle and the snail are symbols of slowness. Every preacher is a palm tree, but a tall palm tree is an important preacher, like an apostle or a minor prophet in the camp. And a vehicle that hits a palm tree is a priest attacking a preacher.

19 And to be leaning against a street light or a palm tree is to set oneself down in the seat of a pastor, or of a minor prophet. In a dream, I, the prophet, can represent the Lord Jesus or an angel or a Catholic priest. It all depends on what God wants to express in the dream.

20 An island can be Israel or the living Church. And the waters are the multitude; they are the peoples, tongues, and nations. A man in women's clothes or shoes or in a kitchen is an effeminate. To be in the same uniform as someone is to have the same role or behaviour as that person. A shoe carried away by water is zeal extinguished by the worries of the world.

21 The school class above or below your school level expresses your level of spirituality. A minor prophet is an overseer to watch over the Church, but a false minor prophet is a Chinese or soothsayer and his book is a paper of magic. And the false interpretation of a dream is like an incantation or the smoke of a cigarette or drug. You see? A Chinese expresses a counterfeit today but in five years, a Chinese person can mean the original. So, the standard method is not eternal.

22 Well. I come to gifts. The first gift is that you will see another dream which is a picture of a dream that you or another person saw. And this second dream will help you understand your first dream or the dream that the person saw. You can see several dreams that are pictures of the same dream. And someone can explain to you a dream which is a picture of a dream you have seen or that you will see. A dream can also be the beginning or continuation of another dream.

23 The second gift is that, as you meditate or as the person tells you about the dream or vision, your mind opens to the interpretation. The interpretation opens like a scroll in your mind. It is as if someone were speaking to you in a language that you don't understand, and an interpreter was translating it for you.

24 The third gift is that the interpretation comes as information placed in your mind, as if by intuition. And you know that it does not come from your intelligence. Suddenly, in a strange way, you know the interpretation. And you can even doubt or reject it. And you can forget it if you don't write it down right away. It's like receiving a word of knowledge.

25 The fourth gift is that, at the end of the dream, as you wake up, your mind will be on what will allow you to understand the dream. Or, through a light sleep, you will see a fast scene taking place before your eyes or in your mind. A kind of a flash of vision or dream. And you don't know whether it's a vision, a dream, or your imagination. And what you saw will help you understand your dream.

26 The fifth gift enables you to know that your dream is literal and needs no interpretation. And by an action that has happened or will happen, your mind will open, and you will understand that it is the fulfilment of what you had seen in your dream or vision. The fulfilment is therefore the interpretation.

27 The sixth gift is that, in a dream, you are seeking the interpretation of a dream or a vision that you had or someone else had. And either you interpret it yourself in the dream, or someone else interprets it in your dream, and you wake up with the interpretation of the dream. Or someone with the gift receives the interpretation in a dream and comes to tell it to you.

28 For example, after Kacou 155 and Kacou 156, a Brother of Mali had seen in his dream two big lights falling from the sky. One of them fell in the town of Ségou. And from its explosion, stars came out and rose into the sky. And the Brother climbed onto a big rock, and symbols engraved on the palm of his right hand drew towards him the stars that had come out of the explosion. He told some Brothers about the dream. The Brothers thought that the two big lights that fell from the sky were Kacou 155 and Kacou 156 and that the stars were the minor prophets. But one of them had a dream.

29 He dreamt that he was interpreting the dream of the other Brother, saying: "The two big lights that fell from the sky are Islam and Christianity. The stars are the sons of God. The rock is the Message of Prophet Kacou Philippe and the symbols engraved on the palm of your hand are the booklets of the Message". And he woke up and went to tell the interpretation of the dream to the Brother who had seen the dream.

30 The seventh gift is that, while the person is telling you about the dream or vision, you see in a vision the same dream or vision with other details that the person had not seen. And it is this gift that is at work in the interpretation of Revelation 17. This is why the Angel gives details that John had not seen. You can also see that later in a dream. And this will allow you to explain the dream or vision that the person saw.

31 And by this seventh gift you can know whether a dream, vision, prophecy, speaking in tongues or other spiritual manifestation is from God or from the devil. By this gift, you can know whether it is God or the devil who has acted or who will act in your assembly. It is to this seventh gift that supernatural phenomena such as apparitions and audible voices are linked.

32 Now there is another level which is the perfect will of God and which needs no interpretation. The dream or vision comes without riddles or symbols. Matthew 2:13 says: "An angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph, saying, Arise, take to thee the child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be there until I shall tell thee to return to Israel". It is a dream without riddles.

33 And if God speaks without riddles to pagans like Abimelech in Genesis 20:4 and to Laban in Genesis 31:24, then God can speak to us without riddles. We must enter this privileged dimension. This is what will make the difference between us and the pagans. That is why, from now on, you must no longer send me your dreams for interpretation. I want all of you to have the gift of interpretation until you reach this privileged right through your holiness and obedience to God's commandments.

34 God can give a Brother or Sister several of these gifts of interpretation. But there are practices that consist, for example, in asking God to confirm a dream through sensations. These are satanic practices, do not do them.

35 Now, in the first place, any Brother or Sister can send his interpretations along with how he received them until it is established that he is a minor prophet. It's like Prophet Micah in 1 Kings 22. But, afterwards, he stops telling how he receives the interpretations.

36 Now, how are minor prophets established? First, it is not the prophet messenger, or another minor prophet, or an assembly that establishes minor prophets.

37 A prophet messenger establishes apostles, evangelists, and teachers, but not minor prophets. Elijah did not establish any sons of the prophets. Elisha did not establish any sons of the prophets. The Lord Jesus on earth did not establish any minor prophet. And it was not Paul who established the minor prophets who had gone down from Jerusalem to Antioch in Acts 11:27.

38 The minor prophets are raised up by God Himself. And it is God who leads them. But they all recognize the authority of the prophet messenger over them, as it is written that the spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet.

39 Now, how will God make the minor prophet known? It is by a prophecy. A prophecy will say that so-and-so, present or absent, is a minor prophet. And immediately, the assembly will be quiet. And one or more other prophecies from other people will come and confirm the first prophecy. But if, up to ten seconds after the first prophecy, there has been no prophecy coming from another person to confirm the first prophecy, or if especially one prophecy comes against the first prophecy, then the procedure must stop. Speaking in tongues followed by interpretation is also a prophecy.

40 Dreams are not recounted in the assembly. A dream is a private message unless, through a manifestation such as a prophecy, God wants it to be known by everyone. But if you see a revelation about someone, you can tell him that if he agrees. But your revelation may seem to be addressed to someone else and yet it is addressed to yourself.

41 A prophecy or vision in an assembly can be put in the group of the country if the assembly considers that it concerns the country. The register of an assembly does not serve to write personal dreams of the people, but public revelations or revelations made public by God.

42 On the following Sunday, a minor prophet or one of those who keep the register will come to the pulpit to give the floor to the Brother. If the Brother says he is worthy or unworthy of the office, the assembly can ask him questions which he will answer. In both cases, a report will be put in the group of the country. If he considers himself worthy and there is no revelation against him, it will be concluded from that day that this Brother or Sister is a minor prophet.

43 And the Brother's profile will be preceded by the title: "prophet". But if there is a problem with the procedure, you must suspend everything and come back to it in a week. And if you still haven't reached a conclusion, you stop everything. When it is established that a Brother or Sister is a minor prophet, his country must provide assistance to him according to his needs.

44 A church member in the camp cannot guide another church member, or his pastor, or his assembly by his revelations. The prophet can be characterized by other gifts such as prophecy. It is not necessarily dreams or visions. It all depends on the means that God wants to use to speak to him. It is the minor prophet who will help you in the interpretation of your revelations and who will guide the conduct of the assemblies of his country. A minor prophet is for the country in which he resides and for a country in which he goes on mission.

45 A minor prophet has no fixed assembly. And when a minor prophet confesses, he can be asked questions, but he must receive prayer. It will be between God and him. Minor prophets are independent of the prophet messenger and the Church. Some are established directly by God without passing by the Church. That is the case of Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Saul, Balaam, the two prophets of 1 Kings 13, Nathan, Agabus, David, and Solomon in the Bible.

46 All the prophets and anointed ones manifest Christ, but the prophet messengers are the only legislators of the word. It is to them that God's commandments for mankind come. The book of Song of Songs and the book of Psalms are books of minor prophets.

47 Minor prophets or sons of the prophets have always existed on earth in every generation and in the time of every prophet. 1 Samuel 10:10 says that Saul met a company of prophets, and the Spirit of God came upon him, and he prophesied among them. 1 Samuel 19:20 says that a company of prophets were prophesying, and Samuel was their leader. And throughout Israel's history, there have been sons of the prophets.

48 When in Isaiah 8:18 Prophet Isaiah says, "I and the children whom Jehovah hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel, from Jehovah", which children is Prophet Isaiah talking about? He is talking about the sons of the prophets.

49 When the minor prophet speaks, the assembly will take note and come back to him. But if you think that he is a false prophet, you will not act on his word. And an assembly that listens to a false minor prophet becomes an assembly of Satan. The minor prophet himself must keep silent if he has no revelation. But if he gives a false revelation or a bad direction, then he is guilty of divination like Balaam. It is in the group of the country that he must explain himself to reassure the people.

50 A minor prophet does not argue. And the word of a minor prophet must bring a solution and not confusion. And if two revelations of minor prophets contradict each other, then stop all discussions. Put it in prayer and wait. And one who will have misled you three times, you shall not listen to him anymore. Everything must be written down and kept in the register of your assemblies.

51 In this time of Kacou 155, there must be no more discussions in an assembly. When a situation happens in your life or in your assembly, pray and wait for God's revelation. And when you receive a revelation, stick to this revelation. From now on, your decision must no longer be based on convincing explanations, but on a revelation from God.

52 And if you have the revelation that God no longer wants a Brother in an office, put your revelation in the hands of this Brother or in the group of your assembly. And you, you have done your part. And if he considers himself unworthy, he himself will step down from the office. But if he refuses to change or to step down from the office, it is not for you to act, but for the one who gave you the revelation to act.

53 There are Brothers and Sisters of Bolivia who do not want Apostle Daniel Nogales as their special preacher. And on August 16, 2023, 19 Brothers led by Angel Figueroa had sent me a letter against Daniel Nogales. After Kacou 155, we are now at another stage of the revelation. The Church must abandon her own will and choose the will of God.

54 I would have liked the complaint to be: "Brother Philippe, according to some revelations, God no longer wants our Brother Daniel Nogales, but he refuses to step down from his office". At the present stage of the revelation, that's the way it must be. It must be God who no longer wants Brother Daniel Nogales. And if that is the case, even though he has been established by the multitude, he must step down from his office.

55 As long as your pastors are humble and willing to improve, respect them and pray for them. When someone's sin or evil practices have been revealed by a revelation, he must receive grace for his confession if he was unaware of the sin and if no one had called him out about it before.

56 The kingdom of the Heavens is like a headmaster who gave his teachers a new teaching method. And he raised their salaries. Then he asked a young man to teach them the new method. And he left. Later, the headmaster came back and found the teachers still teaching the old method. Then, he got very angry and shouted, saying, "Why are you still teaching the old method? Why are you doing that?

57 And the headmaster asked the young man to write the new method on the board in front of the teachers. The young man went and drew symbols on the board in the form of struck-out words and signatures mixed with Arabic writings. And the headmaster shouted, saying, "Is this not the method I told you to teach? Why do you refuse to obey me"? And several teachers, seeing the struck-out words on the board and fearing they would be thrown in prison, fled and went into the bush in search of gold. 

58 The Bible is a container of second-hand clothes. But without the revelation, the Message can also be a bale of end-of-line second-hand clothes. And if, after Kacou 155, a preacher still preaches to you using the old method, you must know that he is distributing end-of-line second-hand clothes to you for the wedding of the Lamb. And you must tell him that second-hand clothes do not enter paradise. The young man represents the minor prophets. And an assembly that continues in the old way is an orthodox church.

59 You see? A pastor must know that an assembly without a minor prophet is like a neighbourhood without a street light. And in the absence of the sun, this neighbourhood will be plunged into darkness and will be tormented by bandits of all kinds. But a man or a neighbourhood under street lights can see day and night.

60 Look at doctors. When medicines don't cure a patient, a good doctor turns to biologists to find the illness. This is how a good pastor should act. But a doctor who is behind the times will start testing all the medicines on you. And he will even prescribe you old medicines that have long been withdrawn from pharmacies. He will not treat you according to the interpretation of a blood test, that is to say, according to the interpretation of a revelation. He is the type of old orthodox priest who refuses to progress into the age of minor prophets.

61 Before a long-standing illness or suffering appeared in a human's life, God had given him revelations several times, and in different ways, but he had not taken heed of them. Dreams and visions are an obligatory passage for the Church to be purified, made white, and refined according to Daniel 12:10 from our sins, but also from our fleshly sufferings.

62 When an assembly does not confide in minor prophets, she is a mother hen whose chicks are not safe. And in one revelation, an angry mother hen was rebuking a hawk sitting quietly on a branch. The hawk did not say anything, but it had blood on its beak because it had already eaten the chick.

63 The Church is like an army. And the ministries and offices in the Church are cars, motorbikes, and bicycles. And the minor prophets are in planes. It’s by the air that hawks, who are false minor prophets, will come. And the Church must have eagles who are true minor prophets, to block hawks in the air.

64 From now on, three ways are in front of you. Either you choose the minor prophets by the path on the right. Either you choose Satan by going straight ahead on the continuity of the old path or you go to the left with the minor false prophets.

65 In the past, before the service, those who had spiritual gifts according to 1 Corinthians 12 would gather to pray, and it was their revelations that served as a basis for the sermon of the day. This was God's will from the time of the Apostles for the collective sanctification. And to this was added individual sanctification through dreams and visions. Satan took that away from the Church, but the God of restitution is bringing it back at midnight through minor prophets and dreams and visions. And the same Satan will be here to fight it.

66 The Church will never be purified, made white, and refined according to Daniel 12:10, without dreams and visions. No priest, pastor, or monk on the earth can touch on all the sins in the private life of each of his church members, but dreams can. It is through dreams that God will show you your sins that you yourself ignore. And with dreams, you will no longer commit sins as before, because every time you are on the path of a sin, a dream will warn you and you will repent from it.

67 Well. Now, speaking of dreams and visions, I am going to report the premonitory dream of Sister Angèle of Togo, because of what I saw during the interpretation. She saw the dream in 1998. I was not preaching yet. I thank God for all these dreams and premonitory visions.

68 In 2021, when I had asked for your dreams from before my ministry or before you heard about me, I didn't know that there would be this great concordance of your dreams from different countries with my person, my life, and my mission as a prophet. I didn't expect that. It's more than gold deposits. There are dreams and visions that I have listened to or read ten or twenty times.

69 Well. The Sister said to me, "Brother Philippe, it was in 1998, I was in Branhamism with my husband. One day, I was crying because of Branhamism, not knowing where to go to find God. My husband was astonished. And I had a dream.

70 In the dream I was suddenly lifted up and taken into the clouds. And someone like a man with a walking stick said to me, ‘Turn toward the West’. I turned toward the West. And he said to me: ‘What do you see?’ I said, ‘I see the end of the sky and the earth like a wall. He said to me, ‘Turn toward the East’. I turned toward the East. He said to me, ‘What do you see?’ I said, ‘I see clouds and the earth and the continuity of the world.’

71 Then he said to me, ‘Put your left foot on the clouds and your right foot on the earth.’ I did so. Then he said to me, ‘Raise your right hand to heaven’. And when I had raised my right hand to heaven, a powerful voice shouted. And when the voice shouted, a rainbow swirled around me like fire. And I was brought back to the earth before two old men. And as I descended on the earth, I could hear behind me the voice speaking like explosions and thunders.

72 And I stood before two old men. One of the old men was Brother Branham. And the other old man was a tall, thin Fulani, he had a beard. Brother Branham came to me and gave me a book. And then the other old man also came to me and gave me a smaller book with the cover of a passport.

73 Then Brother Branham showed me a path and said, ‘Go along this path; hold these two books up to the end. You will see a lot of money on the way but don't pick it up.’ And I went, and the path was rough with thorns. And there was a lot of money scattered all along the path. And I woke up. And following this dream, I had left Branhamism, and I was waiting for this other old man who was going to come with the little book like a passport". You see? That's where her dream stopped.

74 But for the interpretation, I had seen her dream up to a point where, on her walk, she had reached a place where there was a crowd of people. And the little book had become a real passport. And from a distance, I could see that people were writing names on the passports. And I understood that it was an embassy. Then I saw that the people couldn't write the name of a young man on his passport. And the young man had gone back to the Fulani who had given the passport to Sister Angèle. The Fulani ascended out of the earth like in 1 Samuel 28:13.

75 And the Fulani phoned the embassy. And right away, I saw that the Fulani was me. And I asked the embassy why they hadn't written the young man's name on his passport. And I was told that a letter in the young man's name could not be written on the passport. The letter looked like a "Y" and was read Y-Tube. It seemed to me that those who wrote the names on the passports were minor prophets. And that's where the dream of the interpretation stopped. Oftentimes, you see dreams in part, but a prophet can see them in full.

76 And considering the end of the dream, do not discuss about money in your internet groups or in your physical gatherings. Despite everything I have said, if someone wants to serve God for money, give him the money he wants without discussion, if he is active. Know that there are some of the mixed multitude among us and even in the priesthood. And as long as one of the mixed multitude has an interest with you, he will not leave the Message. And when one of the mixed multitude leaves the Message, by his actions, you are astonished that such a man was with you for so long. And, also, if someone insults me or says bad words against my person, do not say anything. I do not ask anyone to defend me.

77 The attributes of one of the mixed multitude are the snake and the pig. And it is a sin to go and listen to the hissing of a snake or to eat the vomit of a pig that has left the Message. At the present stage of sanctification, God does not allow you to listen to what one of the mixed multitude says, even if it is in your group.

78 One of the mixed multitude was leaving the Message and every effort to bring him back had failed. And this had troubled a new Brother. And the new Brother had seen in a dream that some men were washing a pig in a river. And the pig was screaming and struggling. And one of the men said, "Let's leave it". So, they let the pig go and it immediately went to lie down in the mud. And the pig became so happy. And palm branches were placed to close off the area of the river where the pig was washed; so that no one would walk where the pig was washed.

79 You see? A barrier was placed at the spot of the river where the pig was washed. And this place is in a group on the internet or at a meeting where the Brothers were trying to bring back one of the mixed multitude or a recidivist. You must not go and listen or read or take from the internet what one of the mixed multitude or a pig, an enemy of the Message, has said and come and defile the Brothers and Sisters by telling them about it. Never do that.

80 Live well so that when you die, you don't have, behind you, on the earth, problems to deal with or abnormal things on your phone or computer that you did not delete. Be ready every day.

81 Also, the sermons of the Message have not been evangelical and Branhamist ambiances, and therefore your praises must not be pagan ambiances. I want calm and spiritual rhythms. And do not sing what you do not understand, as some young Sisters did with the songs in Lingala or the songs of Brother Moisés in Umbundu, which they do not understand.

82 Also, a Brother or Sister can sing with the aim of evangelisation. Brother Moisés' songs on the radio are a great means of evangelisation and have made many conversions in the south of Angola. People know the Message through the lyrics of his songs. I have also asked that the ACF Bible of Almeida be used for the Portuguese language.

83 The Message is making a great progression around the world. From February 2021 to September 2023, Congo Kinshasa went from 44 to 77 assemblies, Mozambique went from 52 to 101 assemblies and Angola went from 62 to 85 assemblies. The translation of the Message has reached 80 languages. Every believer must read or listen to the Message in the language that he speaks as soon as he believes. This is the first role of any pastor or preacher. It's a commandment. It is the direct word of the prophet in him that will save him.

84 Well. Prophet Ezekiel saw the living Church up to the time in which we live. He saw the manifestation of the four ministries of the word at the end time and this army of minor prophets. And the glory of the Lord like a flame of fire infolded itself above this army.

85 And at one point, Prophet Ezekiel had seen that a wheel was inside a wheel, that is to say, the apostles and teachers and evangelists and pastors and preachers were inside the minor prophets. The whole living Church was inside the minor prophets.

86 The sons of the devil preach the holy books of their religions mixed with their imagination, while the prophets preach their visions. For example, it was a single voice, a single person who cried out in Matthew 25:6: "Behold the bridegroom, go forth to meet him". But who are those many sellers of oil to whom the bridegroom sends back the foolish virgins to buy themselves oil?

87 The identity of these sellers of oil of Matthew 25:9 is a revelation that no human being has so far. Christians and theologians and Bible doctors do not know. These sellers of oil are neither the sellers of indulgences as Catholics believe, nor the Lord Jesus and his Father, as Protestants, evangelicals, and Branhamists believe. Nor are they servants of God filled with the Holy Spirit who will lay hands for the reception or filling of the Holy Spirit. And if a prophet does not come to reveal a mystery, that mystery will remain sealed forever.

88 It is like the symbols of Ezekiel 1. What does Ezekiel 1:16 say? "The appearance of the wheels and their work was as the look of a chrysolite; and they four had one likeness; and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel. As for their rims, they were high and dreadful; and they four had their rims full of eyes round about."

89 Go and search the books of the theologians and Christians of the earth, and you will not get the interpretation of the mysteries of Ezekiel 1, because God is his own interpreter. And the word of God does not come to popes, to priests, to pastors, to imams, and to monks, but to a prophet messenger. Ezekiel 1 takes place on the earth. The chariot of Ezekiel 1 is the living Church of Christ walking on the earth. And as it moved forward, the chariot rotated on itself. And the fire that comes, infolding itself, is the Lord Jesus Christ through the seven Church ages. And the living creature is the prophet messenger.

90 Now, what are these four wheels? They are the four ministries of the word: the minor prophet, the apostle, the evangelist, and the teacher. And these wheels also have four appearances because they have in them the four ministries of the living creature. These wheels are cherubim. A minor prophet is a cherub. An apostle is a cherub. An evangelist is a cherub. And a teacher of the word is a cherub. And they are the four cherubim that carry the living creature.

91 And when Ezekiel sees these ministries at the end of time, they are inside the minor prophet. But despite minor prophets, each ministry continues its mission. The soldiers who are the apostles and evangelists are still at work in the field of evangelisation. Evangelisation is the safest and easiest way to serve God.

92 And each country has its own strategies and words of evangelisation. For example, in Europe and America, you cannot ignore homosexuals and preach as if you were in Africa where you don't see any homosexuals. Every country has its own realities and strategies. Either flyers, or debates, or conferences, open-air preaching, or others. Pray to God to reveal to you the strategy that is suitable for your country.

93 Well. A rim is the circular iron that is inside a wheel. And Ezekiel 1 says that the rims of the chariot wheels were full of eyes all around. And the eyes are the knowledge of the Word through the Message of a prophet messenger.

94 If a minor prophet or a prophetess stands from the middle of the congregation and speaks, he will not speak for more than seven minutes. Likewise, if it is several people prophesying, the whole of the manifestations will not exceed ten minutes. And these instructions are the eyes on the rims.

95 By the eyes on the rims, every honest Hindu knows that a true maharishi, before leaving the earth, will make all the yogis of his dharma enter the fourth and last state of consciousness, the Turiya consciousness; the maharishi himself being in Turiya-Titah, in the universal energy of Brahman. And after the death of the maharishi, no other human can access the Turiya until another reincarnation of Vishnu like Krishna comes to the earth. What is it? It’s the eyes around the rims.

96 Well. Now, who are these sellers of oil in Matthew 25:9? They are the minor prophets. The oil of the ten virgins had come through the prophet messenger, and the oil in reserve of the wise virgins had come through the minor prophets. This is where the foolish virgins had failed. You see? The foolish virgins will despise and reject the minor prophets, but these same minor prophets despised by the foolish virgins will find grace in the eyes of the wise virgins.

97 The foolish virgins would have wanted eloquent and special minor prophets. But the fact of not knowing how to speak is a common handicap for prophets. And it is God who wants them that way. Moses stammered and could not speak easily. William Seymour had the same problem. And William Branham also had the same problem, which is why it was F.F. Bosworth who spoke for him at the Houston debate in 1950. And it’s in the weakness of the prophets that God glorifies Himself.

98 Also, John Wyclif, the father of Protestantism died following two strokes. William Branham wore a wig and went for check-ups in hospital. And Prophet Elisha suffered a long illness that finally took his life. Men of God are gods, but they can suffer and die like ordinary men.

99 I say this so that if someone finds himself in a difficult situation tomorrow, it will not give you some battles of the mind about his ministry. When the Lord Jesus cried out, "My Father! My Father, why have You forsaken me", the Lord Jesus was still the same Almighty God.

100 Now, if despite everything you despise the minor prophets, also know that from now on there are barriers on the roads and bridges. And you cannot bypass these barriers; you must pass through them. And these barriers are the minor prophets, as was the prophet messenger in the vision of the Bride's walk in Kacou 151:13. It is the ministry of the minor prophets that will lead us into the procession of the ten virgins of all nations, at the same step towards Heaven.

101 This is why our preachings must gradually begin to move together like a musical orchestra. When you preach on a topic, it must be God who wanted you to talk about that topic. You must be able to tell the congregation how you received the topic in case the congregation asks you. After Kacou 155, you must no longer act as you did before.

102 And for that, everyone must be in his place. If a pastor who is in the camp tries to interpret the revelations of his church members, while he has no gift to do so, that is the sin of King Uzziah in 2 Chronicles 26. He who gives false interpretations of dreams is a smoker and a drug dealer. And his curse will reach the whole assembly.

103 Thus, if a pastor, a Brother, or a Sister indulges in interpreting dreams and visions in your assembly, make sure that he has a gift to do so, lest the curse comes upon the assembly and affect your blessings and your studies and your jobs and your businesses and your plantations and others.

104 A pastor who interprets the dreams of his church members, if he has no gift to do so, then he is climbing above his hut which is in danger of collapsing upon his church members. It's an unusual act. It's like a snake in a palm tree. It's like a car wanting to drive atop a building.

105 For the other ministries and offices, it is in the camp, and if a Brother is struck in the camp, he can run and escape. But if he climbs onto the roof, or the wall or the tower to be a minor prophet and he is struck, everyone will see it, and his fall will be great.

106 And therefore, if a Brother wanting to pass himself as a prophet is struck, the assembly will determine where the responsibility lies. It will depend on whether the assembly kept silent in the face of his actions, or whether this Brother had been called back to order, but he had refused to listen. To make God say what He has not said is blasphemy.

107 Well. In the last vision on the mountain, I had seen a palace from a distance. In the palace, there were queens and maids and their eunuchs. There were also princes in the palace. And outside, all around the palace, were the king's servants and their chiefs. And a man with a walking stick would come out of the palace and go in. I looked at him, and immediately I saw the march of Israel towards Canaan. And one after another, men shining like angels of God and similar to Moses, came from afar towards the camp of Israel and bowed down before Moses. And when they bowed down, Moses held out his staff to them, and they rose and touched the end of Moses' staff and went away, far from Israel.