Kacou 162 : Note for the end of the Message of Matthew 25:6

The last words of Brother Philippe in relation to the end of the Message of Matthew 25:6.

1 Brothers and Sisters, on this Saturday, May 11, 2024, I, your Brother Philippe, I am sending you, through this note, the last words that I will say in virtue of the mission of Matthew 25:6 that was entrusted to me on April 24, 1993. When, on January 21, 2024, I shouted: "Go all up to the upper room", I didn't know that I too would have to keep quiet and leave the scene.

2 The Message of Matthew 25:6 is finished being delivered. And it is with God's permission that I make you know these last words. It is now the turn of the one to whom God will hand over the torch to lead us into the revival of the ten virgins. But this does not rule out my trips towards you if God allows it to me, because I love you and I have that in my heart. And on these trips, as for the rest of my life, the only gift I want to receive from you is your zeal to ensure that the Message is respected in your assembly.

3 While preaching and persevering in my Message, let us now expect this other person and this next step. The purpose of my Message was not to lead you to me but to lead you to God. From now on, look up to God. I was just a small signpost who had come to guide you towards Christ. I was just a guide to show you the destination. I am not the destination.

4 Go therefore to Christ and not to me, Kacou Philippe, a poor sinner saved by grace who was just an instrument in God's hands. He who died on Calvary to redeem all of mankind, including you and me, and whom we must follow, is the Lord Jesus Christ.

5 I am happy to have taken you away from the face of the serpent, beyond the false holy spirits, and I am happy to have guided you towards the true Holy Spirit.

6 And in a vision, I was with some little children above the big rock of Kacou 154. The rock was about 17 metres long, 15 metres wide and 7 metres high. Suddenly, one of the children grew up, and the wind immediately blew him away to the music of Abraham Mazel.

7 I went down from the rock with the children. Then we walked from rock to rock upstream, from where the creek of my childhood comes out. A large net of green colour separated us from the creek.

8 Then we took another direction and went towards a height, to a place that I don't know. And we had reached some rocky plains where there were many small rocks and stones that had been cut and classified since the foundation of the world.

9 And there was one of the rocks that was moving when we pushed it. The top of it had the form of a square, about 50 cm on its side. And its height was about 70 cm. The cap of the rock was removed. And behold, inside was an empty white container. And I said: "Leave that rock alone!  It's the rock of Abraham Mazel. We must go beyond this. Let’s go back on the big rock". And the vision left me.

10 By the waters of the creek of my childhood, which is the Message, we have grown up to maturation and maturity. And after that, it was especially by the rocks that we had to walk for the next stage. The rocks were lined up along the banks of the creek.

11 Abraham Mazel is the dimension of the prophetism of the Camisards and the Cévenols, giving wrong interpretations to their revelations. And they had many prophets and prophetesses. And the greatest prophetic gift of their time was a 15-year-old shepherdess: the prophetess Isabeau Vincent. And it is the crossing and the blessing of this dimension that introduced us to the maturity of our time.

12 The spirit of Abraham Mazel leads people to physical or spiritual death through revelation. Any action or revelation opposed to the written or universal word comes from the spirit of Abraham Mazel. From Kacou 1 to Kacou 154, Matthew 25:6 was fulfilled, and from Kacou 155 to Kacou 162, Revelation 12:14 was fulfilled. The spirit of Abraham Mazel can lead through revelation to do something that is not normal. And it is by the ‘It is written’ that we must defeat the spirit of Abraham Mazel, as it is seen in Matthew 4 with the Lord Jesus.

13 And the last time I went to Rikédiba walking with the Brothers, was on January 16, 2024. And on the way I was tired, and Preacher Atchui Vincent, from Locodjro, had helped me carry my bag. In August 2022, he married Sister Rose Isabelle, who had been very close to me since she was at university, until Sister Rosine came in 2018. She got married a virgin at the age of 28.

14 The walk in maturity is through rocks which are the revelations. The ministries of the prophet messengers take place on the mountains, while their Messages are the creeks or rivers that flow in the valleys of the mountains.

15 Everywhere the midnight Cry has arrived, one or many creeks are symbols of it, even if these creeks are not called Rikédiba. And my Message, which is the creek of my childhood, remains eternally like the books of the other prophets who preceded me, because my Message is the work of God's own hands.

16 Now, how did the end of my mission come? On the afternoon of Wednesday, February 28, 2024, I went to greet Apostle Martin at his home. Then, we went down, we walked around the courtyard for a while. Then, after that, I went back to my room. And when I got to the balcony, I had an experience.

17 I had just arrived at the balcony, and a man came to me walking, as if he was following me. And as I was near the entrance to the balcony, he leaned over so that I couldn't touch him if I held out my hand. And he passed and went onto the balcony. He was a tall white man. And he instructed me to stay there without leaving the house. And I stayed there, alone, until May 10, 2024, before being able to come out again according to his word.

18 And on March 26 at noon, in a vision, the Angel had asked me to reread my whole Message. It was with the aim of reducing it like a small creek after its overflow, following a great rain. In the vision, I saw the creek of my childhood in flood.

19 I finished the work of rereading on the evening of Tuesday, April 2, 2024, before dark. It was under His assistance, to the point that I left some parts, and He would tell me to delete them, and I deleted them. Also, all the parts of the Message in which I had given medicine a place alongside God, I deleted them. This contradicts prophetic faith. For a miracle, it does not belong to us to appeal to medicine for confirmation, but it belongs to our enemies to do so.

20 You cannot talk about prophetic faith and at the same time talk about medicine or a collection of testimonies of healing. We are neither Evangelicals nor Pentecostals. Let's not lose our identity because of what our enemies will say. If you want to act considering what people will say, you could make a lot of mistakes.

21 And on the night of Tuesday, April 2, 2024, I had a dream. In the dream, I had just finished the work of rereading and deleting. And another angel, different from the angel who had appeared to me on February 28 came to me, holding a postage stamp. He asked me to give him a white envelope that was in front of me so that he could stick the stamp on it.

22 And when I gave him the envelope, the envelope became a packet of envelopes. And when he put the stamp on it, I saw that the packet of envelopes had become a little book which is the book of my Message. And he sealed the book so that it could not be opened. And he disappeared with the sealed book. And having raised my head, I saw a vision of which I should not speak. And the dream left me as I was watching the vision.

23 And while I was meditating on the dream, I said, "Ah, so that's how the book of the seven seals was sealed in Revelation 6!" And while I was meditating again on the dream, wondering what I would do in the coming revival if I must not preach any more, I saw a vision. A man and his servant came with a big vessel full of wine made from honey. And they put the vessel beside a little child who was sitting down. And I saw that the child was me. And the wine had the colour and appearance of pure natural honey.

24 And the master gave the child some wine contained in a very small portion of beeswax. The wax was white and a day old. And as the master was holding two portions of beeswax, when I received the first portion, I also asked him to give me the second portion he was holding. And I held out my hand until the end of the vision without him giving me the second portion.

25 And I understood that the first portion was the mandate in the tent to emit the Cry of Matthew 25:6; and that the second portion would be the mandate for the distribution of wine with another Message based on my Message, as my Message was also based on the Message of William Branham.

26 And by a note, I made known to all my disciples these dreams and visions marking the sealing of my book, the exit from the dimension of Abraham Mazel and the end of the Message of Matthew 25:6. And I asked for the end of consecration and the resumption of the services.

27 Beginning with those whom the date of April 2, 2024, had found in the consecration, you can exercise offices and your various activities in the Message if your revelations allow you to do so. Act especially according to Kacou 1 to Kacou 154, but without the 30 minutes of prayer for the time being.

28 The spirit of Abraham Mazel is the spirit of divination or the spirit of the ancient serpent. It was in Genesis with Cain that the spirit of Abraham Mazel started. And the Holy Spirit and the spirit of Abraham Mazel walked side by side up to the Messiah, the Christ. And in Matthew chapter 4, the Messiah had defeated him with the written Word, the "it is written". And at this end of time, this battle took place again with the Church according to Revelation 12:14. We were defeated like all the religious people of the earth. But on February 28, 2024, the Angel of God came to our rescue and gave us victory.

29 In every nation on earth, there are rivers which are symbols of the Bible and of the Messages of the prophets. And in my village, the Bible is symbolised by a strange river which is near my family yard, in the valley of the hill on which the oldest primary school of the village stands. The name of the river is Angrédiba, which means "river of the devil". It is a big lake of mud which causes fear. It never dries up, but no one fishes in it or drinks its water. Édiba means a source of pure water or a river into which no other river has flowed.

30 The ministries of the prophet messengers take place on mountains, but their Messages are rivers flowing in the valleys of their mountains. And wherever the midnight Cry has arrived, a river is the symbol of it, even if that river is not called Rikédiba, that is to say, "river of rest".

31 On February 28, 2024, it was not a vision but an apparition. If it was a vision, the Angel wasn't going to avoid me when he walked past me so I could not touch him. And also, a vision is like a screen that you watch, but there, the Angel was moving and went around the dining table. I could clearly see that it was the same angel, but here he was a white man, whereas in the visions he was a Fulani.

32 And when the Angel took the book of my prophecy and disappeared to go and give it to mankind, I looked up and I saw at a distance a fairy coming in the appearance of a little Muslim girl completely naked. She was walking towards me and my faithful disciple, who was standing next to me, saw her, was frightened and fled. She was like a goddess and her feet did not touch the ground. Her body was shiny and had the appearance and colour of the rising sun. She looked like a ten-year-old girl with the height and breasts of a 14-year-old girl.

33 And the voice of the Angel said to me, "The girl that you see is the beloved daughter of the great cruel woman, before whom the inhabitants of the earth bow. She is the one who welcomes her mother's lovers and lesbians. She is a loose woman, and her name is Good Girl, but her clients of prostitution call her Google because of her two miraculous breasts and her eternal virginity. You shall not talk about it because it is the Message of another time". And the vision disappeared. And immediately an inspiration came to me saying that it was her and the paradise of the internet that Prophet Muhammad had seen. He had really seen this great vision but had not understood it, but now our eyes see that.

34 All of you who have believed in me, keep my words. Do not add anything, do not take anything from it, do not interpret anything. Do not go further than me. Remain united where I have stopped until this other prophet appears with his Message.

35 I say thank you to God and thank you to all of you for everything you gave me during this mandate. Before God and before His holy angels and before you and before men, I confirm that I acted with the utmost honesty and sincerity. And this Book, sealed and taken to God by this angel, will be opened on the last day for the judgement of all those who lived on earth in my time, until another prophet comes with his Message.